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By “Mark Andrew Dwyer”
20, 2006
updated December 30, 2006)
When someone says "left", many words are coming to my mind, the most repetitive of which, except, perhaps, for "not right," is the word "arrogant". And, indeed, when I look at the history of over 100 years of diverse movements that experimented with various flavors and brands of leftist ideologies, from cosmopolitan Marxism, to bloody Bolshevism, to dictatorial communism, to Nazi1 socialism, to collectivist fascism2, to tax-and-spend neo-socialism3 (just to name a few), they exercised virtually all practical options to build their leftist utopias that declared group’s interest, as opposed to individual interest, the supreme and ultimate good of mankind, but what was never missing in their different and, often, contradicting doctrines4 (Communist China almost launched a war on Socialist Soviet Union in order to teach the post-Stalin Soviets how to build a 100% leftist society) was arrogance. Be it Stalin's defiance of laws of nature5, Hitler's6 negation of humanity, Zedong’s denial of economics, or Mussolini’s7 rejection of individualism, arrogance has always been the most basic characteristics of social engineers of all brands and denominations from the left to the "moderate" left, to the far left, to the pathologic8 left.
In the Western countries not fallen to "progressive" leftism that was metastasizing all over the post-WWII world, a left-bound cultural trend emerged as means to weaken traditional societal structures that were considered by the Left a bastion of conservatism. It aimed at turning society’s sense of identity upside down by injecting blatantly absurd (sometimes referred to as “revolutionary”) propositions into its well established system of ethical, moral, and esthetic norms. Resorting to their free speech rights, many artists, writers, composers, and performers sympathetic to Left’s agenda were pushing absurdity to its limits, testing patience of once conservative societies by flooding them with non-conformist, if not outrageous, statements of artistic expression. Catchy slogans, like "It's so bad, it's good," were routinely attached to creations and artifacts of dubious essence, and seasoned critics were surpassing each other in their eulogies for contents-free forms of kind of "Waiting for Godot" as the highest accomplishments of man's intellect. (Not that today’s rap “music” and hip-hop are any better.) In what followed, the advances of Left’s cultural vanguard prepared grounds for a frontal assault on Western European and American “conservative” status quo.
What was then, and has been now, the defining feature of these post-WWII times of well-orchestrated (engineered, if you will) gradual erosion15 of traditional norms, values, and standards was that no one of consequence stood up against these exercises of pure absurdity, whose only visible goal, except for some genuine artistic and literary experimentation, was to detach conservative citizens from their core values, and uproot them, little by little, to the point where they became confused, alienated, and unwilling to stand for what they used to believe anymore. Multiculturalism and diversity, today's Trojan horses of West's conquest by the leftist demagogues that direct an army of rebellious hordes of “migrants” from Mexico and other Third World countries, beat whites’ sense of ethnic identity to submission so that when a journal with provocative name "Race Traitor" that openly advocated abolishment of white race was established in 1992 no one in the "mainstream" journalism had courage to confront it.
And that was
not a co-incidence. One of particularly blatant instances of today’s Left
arrogance is their nonsensical stance on issues related to race. On one hand,
they claim, against common sense and scientific evidence, that the concept of
race is a biological myth9 devoid of any factual (genetic, in this case)
foundation, while at the same time blaming white Europeans and Americans, and
only them, for rampart racism10 as well as artificial creation of races that,
according to today’s Left doctrine, biologically don’t exist. One
can see how arrogant those claims are after even a brief examination of
research results in genetics11, as well as history of racism and slavery12 in Asia, Middle East, and
We need to learn some of these successful Left’s tactics and employ them ourselves, for the goal that we have now in front of us resembles the Left's post-WWII agenda: to get away with all taboos, de-empower the regime of "political correctness", and render its main enforcer, the notorious "thought police," powerless and irrelevant. We need to flood the market with magazines and journals that unapologetically publish the results of free and totally unrestrained intellectual inquiry into hot-button issues, like IQ, immigration, race, ethnicity, culture, civilization, and patriotism, just to name a few, no matter how unpopular, disturbing, or heretical the results of such inquiry may seem, and give these magazines and journals provocative, if not outright outrageous, names, like "The Racist", “The Bigot”, "The Anti-Socialist", "The Ethnic Egoist", “The Xenophobe”, “The Heretic”, and "The Post-Leftist". And on every slightest attempt of criticism of our efforts in this direction, we should raise hell that our God-given, constitutionally protected free speech right is being disrespected, violated, vandalized, and desecrated, calling notorious militants of the sort of SPLC13 and ADL14 that muzzle supposedly free individuals with a bare threat of calling their free expression a "hate speech" what they really are: the anti-freedom of speech conspiracy organizations.
Then, and only then, will we have any chance of not losing our once well-functioning Republic to the arrogant Left.
Notes 1“Nazi” was
a nick name of NSDAP (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, or in
English, National Socialist [emphasis
added] German Worker’s Party) with a 25-point program formulated in 1920
that included such obviously socialist
postulates as: “the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a
livelihood for its citizens”, “It must be the first duty of every
citizen to perform physical or mental work […] within the framework of
the community and be for the general good”, “the abolition of
incomes unearned by work”, “nationalization
of all businesses [emphasis added] which have been formed into
corporations”, “We demand profit-sharing in large industrial
enterprises”, “We demand the extensive development of insurance for
old age”, “the immediate communalizing of big department
stores”, “We demand a land
reform [emphasis added] […]; the abolition of ground rent, and the
prohibition of all speculation in land”, and “We demand the
education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation,
at the expense of the State” (ref. [1]). Does it sound like
a conservative or right-wing agenda? Of course, not.
2Although in popular
opinion, promoted mostly by many leftist ideologues and left-leaning historians
that are doing what they can to distance the Left from horrible crimes
committed by oppressive regimes that flirted with leftist ideologies, fascism
is portrayed as an antithesis of socialism, the fact is that fascism and
socialism are kin to each other as they both originated and borrowed heavily
from Marx’s teachings. Italian fascism had its roots in fasci movements of 19th
century that sought social justice for the exploited working class by means of
trade unionism and revolution (ref. [2]). Benito Mussolini
was, initially, a devoted socialist (ref. [3]) who later broke up
with the mainstream Italian Left to form its own, radical movement, just like
Trotsky and his followers broke up with Stalin in 1920s. Term
“fascism” is often, but not quite correctly, extended to include
the ideology of NSDAP (see footnote1 above), although
Mussolini considered Hitler’s version of socialism more primitive, or
barbaric, than his.
3Neo-socialism is a
non-orthodox version of Marxism that is gaining momentum in the
4The fact that both
Hitler and Mussolini were in disagreement with Stalin’s implementation of
Marx’s socialist ideas, as well as with Marx (but so were Lenin and
Stalin – this is why they had to “improve” on Marx), is often
quoted as a “proof” that the totalitarian systems they created had
virtually nothing in common with Stalin’s (that happened to be
totalitarian, or collectivist, in Soviet terminology, too). This, however, is
not the case. The three notorious dictators weren’t that much of enemies as
they were rivals for controlling workers’ movements. If one accepted the
argument of rivalry as a “proof” of a lack of essential similarity
then one must have also concluded that rival gangs that fight each other in
their attempts to control local markets of illegal drugs are dramatically
different from each other, which they are not. Hitler ordered killing of many
members of NSDAP’s elite (almost entire leadership of SA) in 1934 and
Stalin did the same to many prominent communists during the power struggle in
1920ies. (Stalin’s successors repeated the “purge” in 1956
when they arranged killings of several heads of Eastern European then-socialist
states while they attended the Communist Party meeting in Moscow; their deaths
were later blamed on flu.) Does it mean that those eliminated by Hitler
weren’t Nazi’s or those eliminated by Stalin weren’t
Bolsheviks? Of course, not! Also, it’s worth noting that Stalin’s
regime was blamed for est. 8 million deaths (ref. [4]), which is not far
behind Hitler’s record (about one and half as much, not including WWII
casualties). Stalin once considered Hitler a close ally (after all, Hitler was a socialist; see ref [5]) and hoped for
5In late 1920ties, disappointed
with insufficient grain production in
6Perhaps the most
inhumane ideologue of Nazism was Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda Joseph
Goebbels (ref. [7]) who was blamed for
masterminding ideological foundations of genocide carried on by the Nazis. He
wrote: “To be a socialist is to submit the I to the thou; socialism is
sacrificing the individual to the whole,” which statement didn’t
leave any doubt as to his affirmation, at least in principle, of collectivism.
In what followed, Nazis did in fact do a lot of “sacrificing” of
individuals, half of them (est. six millions) of Jewish ancestry that were
killed in “concentration” camps.
(in)famous quote from his speech delivered on October 28, 1925: “Tutto
nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato”
(“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the
State”; ref. [3])
has been considered the encapsulation of fascist totalitarian (extreme
collectivist, that is) philosophy. How similar it sounds to M.E.Ch.A.’s
motto: “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada” (“For the
race, everything. Outside of the race, nothing.”), an organization that
reveals strong socialist and nationalistic tendencies with characteristic
irredentism against the
Nazism, Mussolini’s fascism, Stalin’s collectivism, and Zedong’s
cultural revolutionism (just to name a few) are undoubtedly pathological forms
of socialism that deviated from original Marx’s teachings. (Claiming that
Hitler and Mussolini belonged to political Right is a common canard that is
equally absurd as speculation that they were conservatives, despite that they
turned their countries and societies literally upside down. In fact, they were
about as much Right-wingers as were Stalin and Zedong, if one understands “Right”
as “oppressive totalitarian”.) Although many prominent Leftist
ideologues consider these regimes exceptions from the “rule” that
socialism translates onto freedom, prosperity, and happiness, not even one
society that decided (or was forced) to implement a form of socialism avoided
“progressing” towards oppression, economic downturn, and social
decay. This seems to be a necessary consequence of unconditional submission of
individuals to a group – a common denominator of all socialist
experiments. (Interestingly, “Hispanic” gangs seem to profess that
kind of submission, too.) Its antithesis, Western individualism, fares so much
better despite a lack of “scientific” foundations and social
engineering, and in spite of its disapproval by self-appointed advocates of
disgruntled masses.
9Typical propaganda
of this kind that the concept of race is a purely social construct can be found
in ref. [9,10,11] – highly
recommended readings for all those who don’t know what leftist social
engineers are cooking for us under auspices of innocently looking
10It’s mind
boggling how someone at his right mind can claim that all races are equal (or,
at least, that it’s racist to claim that some races are better than
others) and yet conjecture, despite the evidence, that whites are the only
racial group that practice racism (see [12]).
11Differences between
the races are far greater than previously thought (ref. [13]). Self-described
ethnicity declared on various federal forms (e.g., affirmative action) is
almost totally consistent with the genome of the respondents (ref. [14]).
12Making slavery an
exclusively white sin has all attributes of a racist claim (for the reason
indicated in footnote10 above), yet those who make such an assertion
characterize themselves as being, ostensibly, against all forms of racism. More
balanced and brief history of slavery, as well as debunking of other myths
propagated by anti-white (usually, leftist) bigots, may be found in ref. [15].
13Southern Poverty
Law Canter is a left-leaning organization that gained notoriety for silencing
groups and individuals by labeling them “hate groups” and suing
them and/or their publishers in U.S. courts for their exercise of “hate
speech”. One cannot help noticing a similarity between this tactics of SPLC
and book burnings in 1933 by Nazi students (ref. [16]).
League is a left-leaning organization that is considered the strongest lobby
that advocates ban of “hate speech”. (Interestingly, ADL, as well
as SPLC, would not tolerate anyone’s attempts to restrict their First Amendment rights.)
Originally founded to fight against anti-Semitism, it gradually generalized its
ideology and doctrines over other lines of ethnic and racial controversies.
Currently, ADL is one of the main opponents of border and immigration
laws’ enforcement in the
15(Added December 28, 2006) A very indicative example of
how far away has the American society been driven from its moral standards of
1950-ties by social engineers of leftist denomination may be found in ref. [19]. The
little-by-little strategy worked pretty well for the Left’s
anti-Christian secularism agenda when consistently applied over prolonged
period of time. Note the “rise eyebrows” in the title of that
article as the only visible reaction of the reporting agency to quite
outrageous, at least by the traditional standards, trend. Could you imagine
media outcry if it were not Christmas but, say, Muslim Ramadan that were
subject to this kind of disrespect?
Readers’ comments: If they haven't already, everyone here should read the excellent article... “The Left's Arrogance” -- by Mark Andrew Dwyer. [The Conservative Voice Forum]
Excellent article; well footnoted and documented. Kudos to Dwyer. [...] From now on when I see Mark Andrew Dwyer in the byline, my attention is guaranteed to the same level I accord Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams. [top]
[1] The Seeds
of Evil: The Rise of Hitler
Schools History
[2] In
Lockstep with Fascism
By Hari Heath
[3] Modern
Leftism as Recycled Fascism
By John J. Ray
[4] Black
Famine in
By Andrew Gregorovich
[5] Hitler
Was a Socialist
By R.J. Rummel
See also:
[6] Molotov-Ribbentrop
[7] Why Are We Socialists?
By Joseph Goebbels (scroll down to the second article)
[8] El Plan Espiritual de
MEChA National Pages
[a] :
[b] :
[9] A Discussion on Race and Racism
[10] Dialogues
on Ethnicity, Race, Racism and White Privilege
[11] Race -The Power of an Illusion
[12] Seattle
Schools Say Only Whites Can Be Racist
By Warner Todd Huston
[13] Genetic
Breakthrough that Reveals the Differences between Humans
By Steve Connor (link expired)
A copy archived at:
[14] Racial Groupings Match Genetic Profiles, Stanford Study Finds
[15] The
Inverted World
By The Realist
[16] The
Book Burnings
[17] Declaration of
A project of the Pacific Southwest Region of the Anti-Defamation League
[18] Immigration
and the Unmentionable Question of Ethnic Interests
By Kevin MacDonald
[19] X-Rated
'Pornament' Christmas Decorations Raise Eyebrows
Local 6 News
Readers’ comments: Excellent article; well footnoted and documented. Kudos to Dwyer. [...] From now on when I see Mark Andrew Dwyer in the byline, my attention is guaranteed to the same level I accord Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams. [top]
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