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By “Mark Andrew Dwyer”
3, 2006
I watched with
a dose of disbelief how the story of U.S. Rep. Mark Foley (Republican –
Florida), who got caught sending quasi-erotic e-mails to teen aged boys,
developed since the ABC brought it up last week. The titles of the news that
swept the country coast-to-coast and circulated on the Internet were
escalating: “Rep. Foley Quits In
Page Scandal” (that looked intriguing since I didn’t know what
a “page scandal” was), “Rep.
Foley Resigns Over Explicit E-Mails” (rather an interesting use of
adjective explicit for those who read these e-mails), “Congressman Resigns After Internet
Sex Scandal with Young Boys” (someone must have had impressively long
private parts in order to accomplish that
over the Internet), “The Florida
Republican was known to have an interest in younger men, Capitol Hill workers
say” (no more tolerance for gays, I guess), “Pressure Grows for Republicans Over Foley Scandal” (as
if the Republicans were responsible), “Some
Say Party Could Lose House and Senate” (whoa, now it’s really
going to somewhere), and “Resign,
Mr. Speaker”. My jaw dropped
here - the only one missing was “
Don't we have bigger problems?
Our legal
system is full of loopholes that allow 10 to 20 million illegal aliens
blatantly violate this nation and get away with it. U.S. Border Patrol agents have
their hands tied with nonsensical laws and regulations that even prohibit them
pursuits of illegal border crossers so that est. one million Mexicans a year
"migrate" to the
Do you want to know scandal?
The Immigration and Nationality Act defines
noun "immigrant" (see [2]) in such broad terms that almost every
single human being on this planet outside of the U.S. falls into the category
of "immigrant", and even troopers of the invading army would qualify
as “immigrants” should another country launch a war against the
U.S. This is scandal. The U.S. Senate
passed a bill, in May 2006 (see [3]), that, if enacted into law, would offer 10
to 20 million illegal aliens (plus tens of millions of their family members)
legalization of their "immigration" status, and even a "path to
Funny thing, ABC and other networks' anchors and the so-called "mainstream" media reporters, ostensibly so committed to zeroing in all weaknesses of American political and administrative system, didn't find enough criticism to come down on any of the above scandals. They did crack, though, on the Republican-controlled House and, quite interestingly, did so right after the House Republicans had begun to listen to their constituencies and passed the 700 miles border fence bill while refusing to bow to the Senate and President’s pressure (see [5]) to approve the Senate’s illegal alien amnesty bill.
The nation that
is more concerned with what one gay member of the House e-mailed to a teenager
while drunk than what the hundreds of other Congressmen in both chambers are
doing or not doing to stop, or to promote, the million-man invasion of
Remember November. The future of our country hangs on you vote.
[1] Liberation and Socialism, or the Marching
By Mark Andrew Dwyer
[2] US Code Collections: § 1101. Definitions (definition of immigrant is at item (15) (A) - (M))
[3] Anatomy of Treason
By Mark Andrew Dwyer
[4] The Damage Has Been Done (3)
By Mark Andrew Dwyer
[5] House GOP's strong position on illegal
immigration being misrepresented as a failure
Past commentary (August 29, 2006) WHO IS NOT LOCAL HERE?
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