Exploring Apple of His Eye

Thank you for coming to my web-site! Currently, you may be searching your religion, and perhaps looking at the relationship between Judaism and Jesus. Apple of His Eye Ministries is an official Lutheran Christian mission designed to convert Jews to Christianity. This web-page will demonstrate this simple truth. Each time, I will provide links to the proofs, so you can see the proofs with your own eyes. I think this is vital, so it cannot be claimed that this is a Jewish site that is "inventing" claims against their ministry and see the "Real Apple of His Eye". I am always willing to answer questions that you may have. My e-mail address is at the bottom of this page.

Though Apple of His Eye Ministries presents itself as a Jewish movement, The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod is extremely clear that Apple of His Eye Ministries is one of its missions. Here you can see Apple of His Eye listed as one of its world missions: Click Here

Our Savior Lutheran Church does perhaps one of the best summaries of the purpose of Apple of His Eye:

"In 1973, LCMS (Editor's Note: LCMS stands for Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod) passed a resolution calling on the church body to begin to study ways and means for helping congregations to witness to the Jewish people. "There are over 16 million unsaved Jewish people in the world. Over 6 million reside in North America." Apple is "fervently striving to be diligent and urgent in preparing and sending well-trained missionaries to present the Gospel to all who are willing to hear, to the Jew first"."

Our Savior is clear, the purpose of Apple of His Eye is to send missionaries to convert Jews! Here is the proof link (Apple of His Eye is the last listing under "Mission Projects"): Click Here

Similarly, Apple of His Eye is quite clear that they are a Lutheran mission. Here are quotes from their website on their founding

"In 1973, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod passed a resolution calling on the church body to begin to study ways and means for helping congregations to witness to the Jewish people. Dr. Erv Kolb, then Secretary to the Board for Evangelism, took charge and formed a Task Force on Witnessing to the Jewish People. They had their first meeting shortly after that resolution was passed. They began to develop witnessing materials for congregations to use in reaching out to the Jewish community as they held their meetings three times a year. I first met Dr. Kolb in 1979 when he came to San Francisco to spend a week teaching at the Jews For Jesus headquarters as all the staff were gathered together. Shortly after that time, I was invited to be a guest at the Task Force meeting. That guest appearance led to my becoming a full member of the Task Force. We conducted meetings in various cities, and met with many trying to get a hearing to include Jewish people in the mission of the church. We initiated numerous Synodical resolutions addressing the needs for missions to the Jews........ This new Apple of His Eye Mission Society comes forth out of my unique call in our church body. I am called as a mission developer through the Missouri District with a partnership agreement with the Board for Missions Services to recognize my role as the overall coordinator for Jewish Missions in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. I am able to expand my Field Counselor efforts by having more time to go to other Districts. One key component to this new startup is the establishment of a new Missionary Training Center. We have more opportunities for mission stations in North America (not to mention the need to reach the Jewish people in the world areas, too) than we have trained people. Those who are on station now will benefit when they take part in the in-field service training events. The new training center will focus on developing the practical aspects of the missionary craft. There are over sixteen million unsaved Jewish people in the world. Over six million reside in North America. We are fervently striving to be diligent and urgent in preparing and sending well-trained missionaries to present the Gospel to all who are willing to hear, to the Jew first."

It is clear that they entire goal is to of Apple of His Eye ministries is to convert the Jewish people. Here is a link to the proof-The quotes come for the 1st, 2nd and 8th paragraphs Click Here

On a important side note you will notice that in the last link he mentions Jews for Jesus, which is another Christian ministry designed to convert Jews, founded by a Baptist minister. Here is a link to the resume of the founder of Jews for Jesus (from the Jews for Jesus site), so you can understand who he is "admiring". You will note on the line starting with "Diploma", that it states that Rosen was ordained as a Baptist minister in 1957! Certainly, this is not a real Jew that he is looking up to! Click Here

Where will you find Apple of His Eye ministries in New York? Not surprisingly, at the Bethany Mission Center of the Lutheran Church. Here is the link to the proof, the information is in the second to the last paragraph Click Here

The Women of Epiphany Lutheran Church are very clear that Apple of His Eye Ministries is specifically for Lutherans to convert Jews. In fact, in an event announcement they state:

"In 1973, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod passed a resolution calling on the church body to begin to study ways and means for helping congregations to witness to the Jewish people. The phrase, The Apple of His Eye, actually was the name of a planned a two-week witnessing training event in New York City (The Big Apple). There are over sixteen million unsaved Jewish people in the world; over six million reside in North America. “Apple of His Eye” Ministry is fervently striving to be diligent and urgent in preparing and sending well-trained missionaries to present the Gospel to all who are willing to hear"

There is no doubt in their minds that Apple of His Eye is for preaching Christianity! Here is the link to the proof (in the Women of Epiphany Zone Rally at the bottom of the page; note that their guest speaker is a Reverend-not a term that a Jewish leader will use! More will be discussed about this particular Reverend in the "Its Leaders" section) Click Here

Not surprisingly, Apple of His Eye is affiliated with the evangelical Christian organization, Promise Keepers, with members such as Christ for the Nations, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Northeast Christians at Work. A real Jewish organization would never affiliate with the Promise Keepers! Here is the link to the proof: Click Here

Then again, it is not suprising considering that Apple of His Eye advertizes for workers with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship! Here is the link to the proof: Click Here

Their Churches

Apple of His Eye Ministries refers to its churches as "Messianic congregations" or "Messianic Synagogues". In fact, the creation of these churches are number 3 on its most important values. Notably, The first is evangelizing Jews and the second is preaching Lutheran doctorine. Here is the connection to the proof: Click Here

Concordia Lutheran Church talks about these churches and their connection to converting Jews. They state:

"The LCMS Jewish Task Force is composed of people committed to the evangelization of Jews. The first three ''Messianic'' mission fields have been started in the LCMS. We now have three congregations of Jewish Christians(Editor's Note: Jewish Christians is their term for Jews that they have converted to Lutheran beliefs) worshipping in Rego Park, N.Y.; Orlando, Fla.; and in St, Louis, Mo."

"Committed to the evangelism of Jews"? Obviously, their goal is conversion. This will become obvious as we explore the congregations/churches they mention. Here is the link to the Church's statement (under the subheading "Jewish", approximately 3/4 down the page): Click Here

One example of these congregations is Beth El Messianic Congregation in Queens, New York. The Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church lists clearly that Beth El is one of their missions. The Lutheran Church states that Beth El is located in Our Savior Church and is run by Mark Danzis, an ordained pastor. Here is the link to the proof (Beth El is number 5 on the list): Click Here

Here is another link in which the Lutheran Church is quite clear that the leader of the Beth El "synagogue", Mark Danzis, is an ordained pastor. Equally important, you will also notice in this link the biography of Gary Timm (under Jewish Field Developer), who actively works for Apple of His Eye Ministries (an example of Mr. Timm working with a pastor to convert a hospitalized Jewish man is provided in the "Misquoting the Bible" section of this web-site). As you can see, he is the Field Developer in Jewish Missions for the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod: Click Here

Would a real synagogue be run by an ordained pastor? The obvious answer is No!

Further, in the Beth El newsletter, they discuss a retreat to discuss how the Lutherans should convert Jews. Here are some quotes from their newsletter.

"Our second annual retreat convened on June 22, 2000 at the Glen Eyrie Conference Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Present were members of the Task Force on Witnessing to Jewish People, Apple of His Eye missionaries, members of LIJE (Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism), pastors from the two Lutheran Messianic congregations, and a concerned couple from England. The fellowship was sweet, the teaching was germane, and God was gracious to bless in many wonderful ways

In our meeting times, we set about to establish precepts for our work. These would serve as present guideposts and future pointers for Jewish mission work. It was acknowledged that not every ministry could or should be identical, but that there must be some basics that all agreed upon to be able to work under the same umbrella organization.

After much discussion, clarification, and multiple vote counts, we established these seven as our core values, not necessarily in order of importance: Direct Jewish Evangelism Lutheran Biblical Doctrine Planting Messianic Congregations Nurturing Mishpochah (Family) Awareness and Training for the Church in Jewish Evangelism Leadership Development We Value God’s Promises Concerning the Jewish People."

Direct Jewish Evangelism and Lutheran Biblical Doctorine? Seems like that last piece, on the value of the promise to the Jewish people is pretty well forgotten. It is obvious that Beth El is a Church, not a real Jewish synagogue. It is obvious that their goal is to convert Jews to Christianity. Here is the link to the proof: Click Here

Apple of His Eye has another church, called Congregation Chai V'Shalom. Here is a link to Reverend Edward M. Lang ,the Director of Missions for the Lutheran Church, Missiouri Synod. If you look under number 4, you will see it listed. Clearly, this is a Lutheran-run location, and not a Jewish place of worship. Click Here

Chai V'Shalom is run by the Reverend Kevin Parviz. According to Lutheran Hour Ministries, Reverend Parviz is an ordained Lutheran minister. Here is the proof link (the information is in the 6th paragraph): Click Here

Interestingly, even by the name of the location you can tell it is not Jewish. You will notice that in parantheses Reverend Lang states that Chai V'Shalom means "Life and Peace". Actually, this is not true and the name of the congregation is grammatically incorrect. For readers of my webpage who are not fairly fluent in Hebrew, this may be odd. Please allow me to explain. Shalom does mean peace. Chai, however, does not mean peace (contrary to what your mother told you when she gave you a necklace with a Chai charm on it). Chaim actually means life, it is used for both the plural and singular forms of this noun. On the other hand, Chai is the present-tense verb form of this word. It means "lives". The name of the congregation translates to "Lives (the verb, not the noun) and Peace". This is grammatically incorrect and an obvious sign that this is a group run by people who are not knowledgeable of Hebrew or Judaism. More on this lack of knowledge is reviewed in the "Misquoting the Bible" section of my page.

Its Leaders

Steve Cohen

The founder of Apple of His Eye is Steve Cohen, a Lutheran leader. He is quite clear that his goal is for Christians to attempt to convert Jews. Here is a quote from the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (the most conservative of the three branches of the Lutheran movement) on the goal of Apple of His Eye:

"This mission society, and the efforts springing forth from it, are all done on a faith mission basis," says Rev. Steve Cohen, founder of AOHE. "We seek and welcome your mission support to help reach the Jewish people with the Gospel and to assist Christians in their personal witness to Jewish people."

That is an incredibly clear statement. As you can see, it is clear that he is a Christian trying to get more Christians to convert Jews. Click Here

Even in Cohen's description of the founding of Apple of His Eye, it is clear that it is a Lutheran ministry. Here is a quote from him

"New York City is known as the Big Apple. It was in New York City in the summer of 1990 that the very first Apple of His Eye outreach took place. Rev. Dave Born and I sat down at Kennedy airport in-between flights. On paper napkins at a small restaurant, we crafted the outline for the first intentional Lutheran outreach in the NYC area in the last 50 years. That short-term mission event was named The Apple of His Eye because the Jewish people are considered the apple of God's eye."

The first intentional Lutheran mission? With Reverend Born helping to plan it? Seems pretty clear that this is a Christian group! Again, here is the proof, the quote is from the 7th paragraph: Click Here

Cohen worked from 1992 until 2000 as the LCMS field counselor for Jewish missions. He also proposed the first ever International Lutheran Conference on Jewish Evangelism. Clearly, this is a man with a Christian resume, not a Jewish one. Here is the link to the proof, the evidence is in the 1st and 2nd paragraphs: Click Here

Further adding to his Christian resume, Cohen was a guest speaker at the "New Directions in Mission Leadership" conference held by the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (He is in the second row of pictures, on the left): Click Here

According to his bio for the conference, Cohen is also the Second Vice President of the Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies. Not exactly a Jewish position. Here is the link to the proof: Click Here

Concordia Seminary was quite clear about his participation in Mission Fest 2000. They state clearly that he conducted training on "witnessing" (Editor's Note: Witnessing is just another way of say Christian Evangelizing or Proselytizing). Here is the link to the proof (Please note that your computer must be able to read PDF files to access this link. The information is on page 11 in the 3rd paragraph): Click Here

He has also worked as a workshop leader at Ongoing Ambassadors for Christ, a Lutheran youth group. Here is the proof (under "Summer Training", 9th section. It may be easier to find the "Discipline" subheading, workshop leaders is two sections above this) :

Cohen has also offered his skills in converting Jews to other Lutherans on audiotape. Faith Shield Ministries Inc. has a tape by him on "Jewish Evangelism. Here is the proof (his tape is #173) Click Here

Now, you may ask "What is the goal of Faith Shield Ministries Inc."? According to them, their goal is to:

"Family Shield Ministries, Inc. is committed to sharing the Gospel with non-believers and equipping Christians to live their faith in today's world.

Sound like a typical evangelical Christian group. Here is the link to the quote, the quote is from the second paragraph: Click Here

David Born

David Born is the Chairman of the Board for Apple of His Eye Ministries. David Born is an ordained Lutheran Minister and the Administrative Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour in New York. Would a real Jewish group ever have an ordained Lutheran minister as the chairman of its board? Of course not! Here is the link to the proof (Reverend Born's biography is the second on the list of pastors): Click Here

Kevin Parviz

As stated earlier, Kevin Parviz is an ordained Lutheran minister, who runs congregation Chai V'Shalom. Here is the proof link (the information is in the 6th paragraph): Click Here

Reverend Parviz was born Jewish, but left Judaism and converted to Christiniaty. He is officially a Missionary at Large for the Lutheran Church, and is training Christians to convert Jews. According to The Cincinnati Lutheran

"The fourth annual educational seminar was held on March 13th at St. Paul Village. Rev. Parviz from St. Louis was the speaker for this event. As a Missionary At Large for the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod and an active participant in the “Apple of His Eye” movement, Rev. Parviz presented the outreach efforts to our Jewish brothers and sisters. Rev. Parviz, himself of Jewish heritage and formerly of the Jewish faith, told of his conversion to Christianity and the efforts of many to tell ALL people of the hope and saving grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...Ask these people from your churches how they were moved by the witness given by Rev. Kevin and how we can now be more effective witnesses to our Jewish friends, colleagues and neighbors."

It is pretty clear that Reverend Parviz has left Judaism for Christiniaty to convert Jews, and is not a Jewish leader. Here is the link to the quotes, the quotes come from the first paragraph and the last sentence of the third paragraph: Click Here

According to Zion Lutheran Church on Parviz:

"He eventually became a teacher and then principal at St. John’s Lutheran School before preparing for pastoral ministry at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Mo.He now pastors a model Lutheran Messianic congregation in St. Louis.

Congregation Chai V’Shalom (Life and Peace) meets on Saturdays and serves as the model congregation for a network of international Lutheran Messianic congregations.

Pastor Parviz also writes for Concordia Publishing House and works with the Lutheran Hour Ministries. He continues to be involved with various evangelism projects of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. Since 1996 he has preached and taught in nearly 200 churches in four countries, including Israel.

Principal at a Lutheran School, leader of a Lutheran Messianic congregation, working for Lutheran Hour Ministries, etc...there is no way that Reverend Parviz can be considered a Jewish leader. Here is the link to the proof, the quotes come from the 2nd-4th paragraphs: Click Here

Donald Peymann

The leader of the Apple of His Ministries in Texas is Donald Peymann. Not surprisingly, he is also an ordained minister! According to the Epiphany Lutheran Church, Reverend Peymann was formerly the pastor of Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Houston! Here is the link to the proof (it is listed under "Upcoming Goodtimers Events" approximately half-way down the page) Click Here

Ivan Peterson

Reverend Peterson is an ordained minister who serves as the Executive Assistant to Apple of His Eye ministries in St. Louis, Mo. According to Trinity Lutheran Church:

"Rev. Peterson is a 1971 graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO. He served as parish pastor in Russell, Kansas (Redeemer), Davenport and Shickley, Nebraska (St. Peter and Zion), and St. Charles (Orchard Farm), Missouri (Trinity). Prior to moving back to St. Louis in 1999 to join the staff at the Apple of His Eye Mission Society, he served as Associate Pastor/Business Manager at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Illinois."

Sounds like quite an accomplished Christian minister, but not the least bit Jewish. Here is the link to the proof: (The information is approximately half-way down the page under "The Apple of His Eye Mission Society") Click Here

Not surprisingly, their reference to Jesus fulfilling the Passover sacrifice is absurd. More information on how Jesus does not live up to their claims is below in the "Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus" section.

Bruce J. Lieske

Reverend Lieske is the founder of Apple of His Eye in Florida and Georgia (now known as Lutherans in Jewish Evangelism). His biography is crystal clear-He is an ordained Lutheran minister from Concordia Theological Seminary and a member of Prince of Peace Luthern Church in Florida. It is quite obvious, that at no point in time was this man ever Jewish! Here is the link with the evidence: Click Here

Jay Klein

Jay Klein is the Director of Apple of His Eye Ministries in Houston. As you can see from the Lutheran Inter-City Network Coalition, he is a Reverend, just like the other Lutheran missionaries, working for the Lutherans trying to convert Jews. Again, a real Jewish leader is called a Rabbi, not a Reverend. Reverend is a Christian term. Here is the link to the proof (at the bottom of the page under "Pray for our Houston Missionaries and Visit Them for Worship"): Click Here

Where did Jay Klein come from? Well, according to the Texas District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, he came from Watertown, MN (under "Prayers: Of Thanksgiving For ). Click Here

So you may wonder, what did Rev. Klein do prior to coming to Texas. Why, he was the Pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Watertown! Here is the proof (there are 2 St. Peter Churches, he is in the second listing, under "Clergy" Click Here

Need more evidence? No problem! Reverend Klein is originally from St. John church in South Euclid, Ohio. You will note that he is listed as a "son of the congregation" by the Ohio District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (At the bottom of the page in the box; he is at the listing for 2003, May 4) Click Here

Not surprisingly, Apple of His Eye advertizes for missionaries with Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. Here is their advertisement on the Intervaristy website, Urbana.org Click Here

Christian Money

Who are Apple of His Eye Ministries hoping to get money from to convert Jews? Why Christians, of course! Here is a quote from their donation page:

"Each missionary with The Apple of His Eye has stepped forward to serve in what is called a "faith mission." So YOUR gift will make a big difference! By that we mean that we trust the Lord to provide for our ongoing ministry through the prayerful gifts of Christians who support us over-and-above their regular church giving. When Christians give us a vote of confidence through their sacrificial gifts, we dedicate ourselves in partnership with them to be the best stewards we can of those gifts entrusted to us."

Vote of confidence from Christians? Prayerful gifts from Christians? Clearly, it is Christians, not Jews that fund Apple of His Eye! Here is the link to the proof: Click Here

There are a number of Christian groups openly admit that they fund Apple of His Eye. Here are just a few:

Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League (The listing appears after the pictures) Click Here

New England District: Lutheran Women's Missionary League (under "8a: Jewish Missionary Training Scholarship") Click Here

Trinity Lutheran Church (under "Ladies Aid") Click Here

Lord of Life Lutheran Church (under "Your Mission Dollars at Work: 2001 Mission Partnerships") Click Here

St. Mark Lutheran Church (Please note that your computer must be able to read PDF files to view this; on Page 1 under the second "Thank You" on the left hand side) Click Here

St. Paul Lutheran Church and Christian School (under the month of August) Click Here

Christ Memorial Lutheran Click Here

Our Savior Lutheran Church (under 2003 Mission Projects, Apple of His Eye is the last project mentioned) Click Here

Lutheran Women in Mission, Trinity Lutheran Church (at the very bottom of the page in the month of April; Editor's Note: This is different than the other Trinity Church) Click Here

Long Island Lutheran High School Association (on page 5 under "Receiving Grants to Expand their Ministries were:"; please note, your computer will need to be able to read PDF files to view this link) Click Here

Can I get a witness?

Apple of His Eye Ministries is listed on many Christian web-sites. Here are just a few that list them (Editor's Note: Many of the Lutheran sites look similar but you will note by the web-addresses that these are each different organizations):

Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies Click Here

Area B, Texas District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (under "Evangelism and Outreach") Click Here

Mid-South District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (under "LCMS Auxiliaries: Recognized Service Organizations") Click Here

South Wisconsin District of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (under "Headquarters of Other Associations") Click Here

Valparaiso University (Editor's Note: This is a Lutheran University) Click Here

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church(under "Other Mission Resources"; please note that this list is not alphabetical) Click Here

Trinity Lutheran Church, Algona, Iowa (under "Links to other sites on the Web") Click Here

Pentecost 2000+ (Please note that their list is not alphabetical) Click Here

Lutheran Central (Please note that their list is not alphabetical) Click Here

Church for All Nations (under "General Lutheran Links") Click Here

Immanuel Lutheran Church (Apple of His Eye is the fourth from the bottom on the left column) Click Here

Promise Keepers (under "Christian Organizations") Click Here

Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship of Drake University(under "Organizations") Click Here

Christ Memorial Lutheran Church(under "Links to Other Sites of Interest Outside of Christ Memorial"-Please note that their list is not alphabetical) Click Here

Mission of the Cross Lutheran Church (under "Christian Resources"-please note that their list is not alphabetical) Click Here

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, School, and Kinder Place (under "Headquarters of Other Associations") Click Here

Pilgrim Lutheran Church (under Outreach to Jewish People) Click Here

St. John Nottingham Lutheran Church(Under "Lutheran Ministry, Mission and Services"; Please note that their list is not alphabetical) Click Here

Misquoting the Bible

Apple of His Eye attempts to convert Jews using the Jewish Bible, but makes very clear errors in their portrayal of the what the Bible actually says. Here are some quotes from Gary Timm, a missionary from Apple of His Eye, on converting a Jew with a pastor. Please note that this is the same Gary Timm that is the Field Developer in Jewish Missions from the Atlantic District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as was demonstrated in the "Their Churches" section of this site.

" I read Isaiah 53:4-6 and asked whom he thought it was talking about. He didn't know. I reminded him that Jesus' hands and feet were pierced through on the cross and that Jesus suffered and died for everyone's sins. I asked him again if that was talking about Jesus. He said, "Maybe". I then told him I was reading from Isaiah. I grabbed a Prophesy New Testament which lists all the Tanach scriptures that were fulfilled in Jesus' life and death. I pointed to the prophesy I had read and told him, "I brought this for you." He said, "Thank you". Pastor then read Psalm 22 to him and related how Y'shua's suffering was similar to the Psalmist's suffering. And how Jesus prayed Psalm 22 on the cross just before he died.

There are a number of problems with this. First of all, Isaiah 53: 4-6 says nothing about hands or feet being pierced. Here is a link to Isaiah 53, with both the original Hebrew and the English translation. You will see that Timm's claim makes no sense-if you are using an accurate translation of the Bible, which Mr. Timm is clearly not using (Editor's note: This is a common problem with Christian missionaries)! Click Here . Isaiah 53 is probably one of the most commonly used Biblical sections that are used incorrectly by Christians to try to convert the Jews. Here is a link that reviews how this chapter is incorrectly used Click Here .

Psalm 22 is another example of a Bible section used incorrectly. Here is a link that describes how it is incorrect. Please pay special attention to the mistake that is made in the Christian translation on verse 16/17 (pierce vs. lion) Click Here . Also, here is a link again to the original Hebrew with English translation, so you can compare the chapter in its original Hebrew form Click Here . Here is the proof that Apple of His Eye and the pastor made these claims. The quote is from the third paragraph: Click Here .

It is important when evaluating Christian claims to keep in mind that most Christian groups use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, or some derivative of the King James (e.g. The American Standard Version or the Illuminated Bible). The King James Version and its derivatives are plagued with obvious errors. This is likely because it is not a direct translation from the Hebrew. It is a translation (English) from a translation (Latin) from another translation (Greek) from the original Hebrew. I would advise anyone who is serious about studying the Bible to use a better translation than the King James or its derivatives. Here is a link to the Jewish Publication Society translation of the Bible (JPS), one of the best translations ever. It is a direct translation from the Hebrew (as opposed to the King James Version). This link also provides the original Hebrew so you can evaluate the Bible in its original language Click Here

Additionally, Christian missionaries often take lines of context or misinterpret parts of the Bible. I would highly advise that you scroll down to my "Great Sites, Priceless Information" section, and use those sites to evaluate any claims from missionaries.

Why Jews Don't Believe in Jesus

There are many reasons why Jews do not accept Jesus, and the links below are some of the better explanations on this topic. Of course, if you have questions that are not covered on the links, you can always e-mail me with your questions.

An Answer from Rabbi Stuart Federow Click Here

An Answer from Rabbi Shraga Simmons Click Here

Ask the Rabbi from Ohr Somayach Click Here

Rabbi Tovia Singer Click Here

Countermissionary Counseling

There are a number of groups that provide Countermissionary Counseling. Here are links to a few of them:

Jews for Judaism

Torah Atlanta

Outreach Judaism

Torah Life and Living

Great Sites, Priceless Information

Here are a number of great sites that counter missionaries and explain the differences in belief between Judaism and Christianity, including addressing the Biblical verses that missionaries try to use against the Jews and explaining why the missionaries are incorrect.

Outreach Judaism

Messiah Page

Messiah Truth

Jews for Judaism

Torah Atlanta

Counter Missionary Reference

Australian Anti-Missionary

Escape From Counterfeit Judaism

Talking to Kids About Missionaries

I am more than happy to answer any questions regarding why Jews do not believe in Jesus or on Jewish beliefs in general. Feel free to e-mail me. There is no such thing as a "stupid question". E-mail me-click here