
What lies behind us, and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.    

                                              Ralph Waldo Emerson




Each and every human being possesses an unlimited, and yet to be discovered array of unique potentialities, capacities and faculties. The problem is that most of us are not aware of

them because the circumstances of our lives have never called them forth.

How to realize and actualize those unique human powers

within ourselves is the ultimate purpose of

what I have the privilege of

sharing with you.






 become conscious of,  comprehend,  understand, recognize                                                                                             manifest, make real or concrete, give reality or substance to




 realize            actualize                                                                       






Welcome to an empowering new way of looking at personal growth, dedicated to the study of …


·        how the realizations we hold about ourselves, other people and life in general create our own unique reality.

·        how we see and judge the world around us based upon this unique reality,

·        how this keeps us from being real with and towards one another and

·        what specifically can be bring about a more



but which ultimately keeps us from .  Continue