I lie in my bed and wonder what the deal is with the world today I try to write a poem, to tell the world what I have to say I start off with a simple line, of what I fear the worst I finish the poem with a line ending in a curse This curse rids people of thir imagination, a very wanted thing They can no longer write, read, or even sing At last I have taken over the world, and proved that I am strong I've made my point that I am QUEEN, and that I can do no wrong With mindless people as my servants, they question not what I say They do their chores and keep me happy, and they live until the next day Now to think that a poem can give me all I want and need All I need now is to kill myself, al I need to do is bleed But if I did this, what would come about when I am dead The people are mindless, they only care that they are fed Look what I have done, to myself and the rest I wish I could take back, my one and only request I wish to be normal agian, and make a transformation I wish to leave the forgotten realms of my imagination |