Silenced Thoughts of the Unknown Hero

This is the world as I see it, and as I wish it to be...

Behind the mask that covers his face, lies a man with a thousand reasons to leave this place -WIT "Where Songs Don't Sing"

On The Turning Away

Why does it seem that the people who made names for themselves throughout their lives and who had a countless rabble of friends, and who everyone always knew, are the same ones who are seemingly completely self-centered and egocentric? Don't flatter yourself, folks. You don't impress me...

On Individuality

There are billions of individuals on this planet, filling our houses, towns, and city streets, but I am only one of them. One of billions. Nothing about me is special enough to set me apart from those billions. I am simply one of billions of people, thus making me the same as most others, average, and nothing more.

To the Class of 2003

There are very few of you whom I will miss (and if i've got you on my AIM list, you're probably one of them) but there are still more of you that i have an absolute distain for. To those i'll miss, i wish you the greatest luck in the future, and hope you won't forget me. To all those others, thanks for nothing. You made the last 13 years of my life a living hell, and i hope you pay dearly for every scar you've caused to anyone who never deserved it.

On Chick Flicks

The other day, I watched "She's All That" with my sister. It's the touching story of a teenage love. The popular heart-throb guy makes a bet with his friend that he can turn any girl into the prom queen. So, his friend picks out the clumsy artsy chick. Although she tries to avoid him, her nerdy friend pushes her to try new things, so she goes out with the popular guy. Over time, they fall in love, she finds out she was a bet, he appologises, and they end up together... Wow. a highschool girl with the popular guy that every girl in school wants... even though he WAS a complete jerk... her friend was there the entire time for her no matter what. Why didn't THEY hook up instead? Because, nobody's interested in the nice, sentimental guy... Looks are the only thing that matter.

On 9/11/01

Here's the basic background of the story: September 11, 2001, an airplane collides with one of the World Trade Center's towers. Minutes later, a second plane hits the other tower. The pentagon was also hit, and a fourth plane went down in Pennsylvania. A lot of people were killed that day, firefighters, businessmen and women, and travelers... Suddenly, everyone begins putting American flags up and putting "United we stand" bumperstickers on their cars. Suddenly, a nation of people who won't let you cross the street without blowing horns at you becomes perfectly patriotic. Absolutely sickening. I know people whose family members were killed in the World Trade Center that day, and I am completely offended by this sudden patriotism. When it takes that many people dying for people to realize, "hey, I love the country I live in" there is something VERY wrong. The Lucitania, Titanic, and the Andrea Doria were thought to be unsinkable. As is the United States, and especially our stature as "world power." But, those ships sunk, and so will we. The REAL bumpersticker should say "Bandwagon American: Loving my country since 9/11/01."


The act of terrorism against the world trade center was indeed horrible. Many people I know were effected because of it. My greatest sympathies go out to the families of the lost. Many people rallied against the terrorist acts, everyone begen flying the old red white and blue, and for once, it seems that the USA has joined together perfectly. I think it's sickening. It's absolutely revolting that it took something like this to make the country band together. We're one country. That should be enough. We shouldn't all be brought together by a common hatred! That's just sick! We all hate a common enemy, so lets all ban together and show how patriotic we are... that's just dumb. The Americans should have been doing this through thick and thin, instead, we all sat back and let it happen. We ignored their warnings. We're all so bloody lazy around here. We never do anything ourselves, we use computers and machines to do it for us. There is no reason that the attack should have happened, and there is no reason that we shouldn't have banded together to begin with.

On Love

Love isn't just a game you can play or a way to spend some time. It can be, but it's always more. When you're in a love-filled relationship, you both expect certain things of each other. If one of you neglects to heed to these expectations, you may lose the trust of your loved one, or vice versa. You see, love isn't just a feeling towards one another. When someone loves you, you hold their heart in the palm of your hand. By getting a bit too serious with someone too fast, I realized that I don't really love her. It was too late to get out of it without squeezing that little heart of hers a bit, or a lot for that reason. Now I feel bad for breaking her heart and destroying her trust. The bottom line; don't go rushing into a serious relationship with someone right away, and don't say those three little words unless you're really sure you mean it.


On Colombine

It's definately sad, yet it's happened before... why is it that colombine got all the attension for it? If you think about it, how could this one be any different? Because the people who did it were in the so-called "Trenchcoat Mafia?" I think that was the main excuse... mostly i think it's just the newspapers, news channels, and all the other forms of news out there just trying to get a story together, so they thought this one would work. It seems that the news always takes peoples problems and makes a HUGE deal about them, just so they can get a story... yet i do think it's horrible that they can get away with it. On The other hand, yes, colombine was a really sad incodent... yet i don't think that the "trenchcoat mafia" had anything to do with their descision. It was pointed out that these kids liked to play games like doom, quake, etc. Perhaps these were the basis? The news programs never stopped to think about that one, instead of picking a group for the way they dress and the kind of music they listen to and immediately blaming it on the whole group. A whole bunch of friends of mine got suspended or even expelled for being in the black-wearing nose-piercing punk-listening group. Now that's prejudice for you. These kids were twisted to begin with... their music, looks, or friends didn't have anything to do with it. It was their background, and the way they were raised and what they were allowed to do, and what they had access to. Now guns, don't try and ban them, or make more laws about them... enforce the ones we have and keep them in safer containment. we don't need safety locks and all that. we need gun cabinets. that way, the idiots wouldn't be able to get ahold of them. I don't want to seem like a jerk, this is just my outlook on the incodent... but it is sad and unfortunate. "My heart and mind go out to the families of the lost" -Where Songs Don't Sing. Until we meet again, peace&love. Shine on.


On Friends

One day I was sitting around school, what I do everyday, just hanging with my friends and all that. There's this one kid who sits at our lunch table, who none of us really like, and he's kinda a jerk sometimes, and he's real grabby and stuff and tends to threaten people and boast how much smarter he is than the rest of us. It got so bad that a fist fight almost broke out between him and one of my friends. I decided I've had it. The world is too full of people looking to make your life miserable. Another example: friends, or so-called friends make fun of you, but are "Just kidding," and as you can tell, most of them are, then again a lot of them aren't. I try not to take a lot of petty little stuff like that to heart, but a lot of times I just can't help it. I find myself looking for alternatives from getting made fun of. Changing myself from all I love and believe in, and even ways out of life, though I'd never follow through on something like that. Yet I have considered… but so has everyone. A kid in my school died in a car accident last year. People who didn't even talk to him were acting like he was their best friend. I find myself wondering what people would think if I died, if they would do the same for me. I tell my parents I have stress, and depression a lot of times, but they simply refuse to believe it. My main point is to be nice to people. Don't make their lives bad so you can have a bit of fun, and parents, listen to your kids. They know more than you do about what's going on in their lives, though you don't want to think anything is wrong.


On How People Act

You know, we could all live peaceful lives, if it weren't for other people. It's those people who make other's lives miserable. Think about it; if people didn't make fun of or threaten other people there'd be a whole lot less suicide, war, and death. Listen to what I say... I know what I'm talking about. If 1 person is nice to everyone, it's not going to make any difference... but if a lot of us, from all over the world got together and do it, it could change the world as we know it.

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