The Lamb Family Letterboxing site
Welcome to our site for storing letterboxing clues.  We live in Auckland, New Zealand, so most of the boxes we place will be around where we live, but we will be trying to place boxes everywhere that we travel as well.
Letterboxing Links:
About Letterboxing:
Want to know more about letterboxing?  Click here for a guide to how letterboxing got started, how it spread to the USA and then to New Zealand, and more information about how you can participate. For more general information about letterboxing you can't go past the Letterboxing North America website.

To find other boxes hidden in New Zealand,
Team Psychokiwi have a very good guide, and Atlas Quest also stores a lot of international clues as well.

You can also check out the
Letterboxing New Zealand Yahoo group here.
Our planted boxes:
We have planted 11 letterboxes so far, and plan to plant many more.  A list of all of our planted boxes can be found here.
Our found boxes:
We have found six letterboxes so far.  Click here to see the boxes we have found.
Page last updated: 31 December 2005
Please read our Waiver of Responsibility and Disclaimer before you set out