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Welcome to my Voting page
Below you will find all the competitions I am currently competing in. I try to compete in only 1 or 2 at a time. (makes it easier to keep track).
You can also post a message in my
Voters Exchange Log so that others can see that your looking to VE and they can contact you.
Please vote for me at the topsites below!
Thanks so much you guys are wonderful. I appreciate you all!
Click on banners to vote. If you only vote for 2 please vote for Kaeli's and Mystickal Realms.
The Elite Web Goddess List
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Join Sirena's Enchanted Realms Webring
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on this site here
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Need supporters?
Click here to place your request in my VE Log.
Sorry but I am currently not excepting new VE's. I have had to take a break from Competitions for a while.
If you are looking for new supporters then please by all means post it in my Vote Exchange Log. You can find the link to right. I'm sure someone there would be more then happy to support you and your site.
Click here to join in the fun at Mystickal Realms! You won't regret it! I don't!
Click here to visit Gloria The Gladiator Top 25 Sites!
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Visit Enchanted Realms Top100 here.
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