Ship Designs
Here are some ship designs that some of the  RA use othere than the official fleet ships.
Picture Description
Players Name
  This ship is called a Bird of Pray. It has 2 riffles and 2 missile bays making it a good ship for attacking fighters and transport ships.
   It also has 2 engins making it quiet quick .
2 Riffles
2 Missile Bays
2 Xenon Gas Thrusters
4 Maneuvering Thrusters

Cost = 20,000 Mass = 33525
  This ship is called a U-Boat is fast and monuverable especially for a ship of its size.
   It is designed to attack any ship type at long/medium rang its only weakness is in close quarter combat.


2 Lite Cannons
1 Missile Bay
1 Fusion Burst Thruster
4 Maneuvering Thrusters

Cost = 18,900  Mass = 20,550
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