Recall Ventures
Public Relations
At Recall Ventures, we believe that effective PR is more than just sending out Press Releases. The normal scattergun approach can bring very patchy results, whereas highly targeted PR can produce some remarkable business returns. We approach PR from a strategic angle first, so that time and money can be more effective.
We start by putting together with clients a Strategic PR Plan which often looks at the following :-

PR Mission - what you want to achieve as a final end result and when

PR Objectives - what are the key elements that make up the end goal

PR Strategies - an analysis of the strategic option for achieving these objectives

PR Tactics - detailing actions which will give the strategies every chance of working

PR Timescales, Responsibilities and Controls - who is going to do what by when?

We then assist our customers in implementing the strategies on a regular basis.
" ....invaluable professional support, value added partnership,excellent business advice which my company scales on..."
MD, security company
For more information, please contact us at :
Recall Ventures
2, Changkat Kenari 2, Sungai Ara, 11900 Penang Malaysia.
Tel: 604-6592406
Enquries Hotline : 012-4775586
Email :    Fax: 604-6460130