Recall Ventures
Market Research
Many different types of research can be conducted by Recall Ventures including
Competitor Research - market share, products and services, financial, market positioning etc
Customer Research - what your customers really think about your goods and services, complaints handling, quality control, response times etc New Markets - where your products or services could be marketed to in the future

Staff Research - what your staff really think about pay, conditions, prospects etc and what improvements they think could be made

Example of some research we have done for clients recently

Competitor desk and Internet research on the seven major players in the market including products and services, current financial stability, mergers and acquisitions.

Designed and conducted face-to-face internal research into staff attitudes on corporate strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats with over 50 staff from director level to shop floor.

Potential customer research via telephone survey designed by us into product and service needs.
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MD, security company
For more information, please contact us at :
Recall Ventures
2, Changkat Kenari 2, Sungai Ara, 11900 Penang Malaysia.
Tel: 604-6592406
Enquries Hotline : 012-4775586
Email :    Fax: 604-6460130