Redfoxer's Urban Dictionary Please note that this page contains strong language and is not meant to offend as it is lighthearted tom foolery.
Aficain - Americain
Wassup ma nigga? = What is going on my dear chum

Brace yo self foo = Prepare for a duel

Bess move outa ma way before i buss a cap in yo punk ass = Excuse me before you leave me no choice but to use my handgun.

Fo shizzle ma nizzle! = For indefinate my dear african american bretherin

You best get yo blick ass back in da house before you be walkin down that street with 3 shoes. Two on yo feet and one up yo ass. = commonly used by african american mothers, derives from {please could you enter the household establishment before i punish you}

Forties an nines = An alcoholic beverage and a nine millimeter projectile weapon

Yo yo yo = Hello there

'Fro = The way the africain amercains wear their hair piece making them resemble a microphone

Mo fo = A person who has sexual intercourse with females who bear children

Biatch = A female dog. Slang term derivitive of bitch

Init blud. = Your spot on my bretherin
Harrow = Hello

I am chinesy = I am from china

A cue me = As commonly used by redfoxer's mum, derives from {excuse me}

You like? = Commonly used by all chinese cullinary experts. Derives from {do you like your meal? I have prepared so hard for you and you have not eaten all of it}

Ching Chong Wa = Touch me and the whole of china will be comming down on you skinny caucasion behind

Egg fwi ri? = Egg fried rice?

You bweak, you bwuy. = Break any of the products and i will be forced to charge you for that item

I speaka no inglisha = I do not speak english
Small = Extremly large

I have a extremly large dick = Small

I'm guna take tha wife on our honeymoon. = I'm taking my sister next door

I caint eat no more = Is that all?/There's no more food to eat