YIELD .. nExt sEvEn piCs .. PEARL JAM .. YIELD
So you'vE pickEd up your littl' "Yield" booklEt for a flick through .. BUT .. havE you noticEd thE hiddEn yiEld signs in the pagEs¿ =)
ThE pics i scannEd arE as gOOd as i could gEt thEm .. though i'vE circlEd thE hiddEn yiEld signs in yellow for you, they mitE nOt shOw up tOO clEarly hErE .. so a .. it wOuld hElp if you had thE bOOklEt in frOnt of you¡ =) .. and if you havEn't gOt it thEn .. why not¿ *lOl*
Whilst somE arE easy pEasy to find .. othErs arE not so¡
HAPPY HUNTING¡ .. [madE eaSy] *BIG smileZ*
Note: credit on the Yield image in the banner goes to Devon¡
The opening picture in the Yield booklet .. that's the hidden sign circled .. halfway up the tower there. Hmm .. i've circled it on the first tower .. but i'm thinkin' now, it looks more like the second tower¡ haha **gOOfy smileZ**
MFC picture .. on the left side at the top of the building or whateva .. opposite to the right of the traffic light
Push Me Pull Me picture .. on the left to the the "Welcome to Seattle" sign .. very far right on the pic as a whole.
Do the Evolution picture .. that's it there pokin' out of the grass¡ [to the right of the tent]
Faithfull picture .. if you lOOk hard enough you'll see it's one of the windows on the building .. umm fourth over from the left and one down from the top
The picture opposite the page of Brain of J .. this is right at the center of the pic¡
YIELD .. nExt sEvEn piCs .. PEARL JAM .. YIELD