God Bless each of you who have touched
My Heart with such kind words,
With so much encouragement,
With so much love.
When I started doing Web pages in March,2000.
Never did I realize
The loving response I would have
From so many precious people,
From around this great world.

I Treasure each award

As they are given from the hearts.
And I have so many awards in my heart,from so many
Thru email and guestbook signings.
That inside my heart is filled
With awards of love from you all.

God Bless each of you and

Thank you for making me feel so welcome
In this big wonderful world of Cyberspace!

April 23, 2000

Thank you to Sylvia's Inspirations
For the Beautiful Random Act of Love.

May 23, 2000

Thank you to Sylvia's Inspirations, For this
Beautiful Award. This means so much to me.
God Bless you Dear Friend.

May 26,2000

Thank you Gran Gran for the sweet
Touch my Heart Award
You have Touched my Heart also!

January 1,2001,

Thank you BILL for "Bill's Great Site Award"
for its Beauty and Creativity.
I am happy to receive the first
of WEB World's Awards,
presented in The New Millenium,2001
Angel hugs For You Bill!

August 5, 2000
Thank you to Joyce with her specail Love For Michael
For this precious Love Award.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

August 6, 2000
What can I say, other than God Bless you
Thank you,Fernando,Whitewolf328
for this beautiful award,
that really surprised me
You made my day.

August 16, 2000
Thank you Dawn dear Whisper_01
For this lovely Beautiful Site Award
You are an angel.

August 16, 2000
Whisper_01, how honored to also
get this lovely Excellent Site Award
You have blessed me twice today.
Thank you my friend.

Last but not least!
Thank you Leah, my dear Kindred Spirit
For saying a special prayer of blessings
For each page I have done
Before I send them out.


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Redbirds Awards Page 2

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