God Bless each of you who have touched
My Heart with such kind words,
With so much encouragement,
With so much love.

August 22, 2000
Starshine,Thank You for this
Beautiful award for my'"PathWay of Pain" page.
I feel very honored and Blessed.

September 4, 2000
Thank you Bill Baxter of Web World,
For this Beautiful Site Award.
I Thank you from the very depths
of my heart!

September 8, 2000
Thank you to the "Eccentric Bachleor of Old Towne"
Who wanted me to know the early bird
gets the award..lol.
Thank you Bill.

September 13, 2000

Thank you dear Cheri for this
Beautiful Award of Excellence
For my page"The Violin"
This has touched my soul.

The 'Diamond' Award Given By: The Kathryn Kuhlman Web-Site A Living Stones Ministry Rev. David Du Boice

September 15, 2000
Thank you so much to
Rev.Boice from the Living Stones Ministry
For this beautiful Diamond Award.
may God bless your ministry.

Sepetember23, 2000
Thank you dear Bonnie of Lipsticks Lounge
For this beautiful redbird.
This was given to congratulated me when my home page recieved a new image.
Which I could not have done with out the help and great talents of Creations By Dawn.

September 23, 2000
God Bless you Rev.John Foshee for the award.
God is my guide as I do these pages.
So I thank you, as I give The Lord The praise.

May 2, 2001
Thank you so much TommyBlue43, for this
Beautiful Eagle Christian Site Award.
May GOD bless you my friend.

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