
In Loving Memory
James D. Farr

August 23, 1922--January 3, 1996

An Indian Version Of The Twenty-third Psalm

The Great Father above a shepherd Chief is.
I am His and with Him I want not.
He throws out to me a rope and
the name of the rope is love and
He draws me to where the grass is green
and the water not dangerous,
and I eat and lie down and am satisfied.

Sometimes my heart is very weak and falls down but
He lifts me up again and draws me into a good road.
His name is WONDERFUL.

Sometime, it may be very soon,
it may be a long, long time.
He will draw me into a valley.
It is dark there, but I'll be afraid not,
for it is in between those mountains
that the Shepherd Christ will meet me
and the hunger that I have in my heart
all through this life will be satisfied.

He gives me a staff to lean upon.
He spreads a table before me
with all kinds of foods.
He puts His hand upon my head
and all the "tired" is gone.
My cup He fills till it runs over.
What I tell is true. I lie not.
These roads that are "away ahead"
will stay with me through this life and after;
and afterwards I will go to live
in the Big Tepee and sit down
with the Shepherd Chief forever.


~Author Unknown~~

Life is a journey, and death
Is but a turning point
In the road,from which
We travel to a new land,
Of ~ Hope and Peace~


Letting go of someone dear
Is always hard to do.
But memories held within our hearts.
Will always hold thru out the years.



Jim was so much to so many.
A loving husband to his wife for 52 years.
A loving father, grandfather, greatgrandfather.
A loving brother to his 3 sisters.
Most of all he was your friend,
He was a christian who loved the Lord.


You will be missed dear Brother
And you will never be forgotten


So till we meet again
We know we have an
Angel watching over all of us.


We love you dear Jim.



How Great Thou Art