Hidden Garden Hidden Garden

Hidden Garden

There once was a beautiful garden
surrounded by a thick wall,
no one ever entered
no one came to call.

Inside were magnificent flowers.
and old majestic trees,
deep green lawns like velvet,
butterflies soaring in the breeze.

Thousands of strangers walked by
not caring what's inside.
It's secret beauty closed off,
for the garden chose to hide.

One day at the end of summer
when blossoms drop without sound
a wind carried seed outside
that burrowed in the ground.

Over the long,cold winter
seed slept deep within the earth,
till warmth of spring arrived
the time for rebirth.

Outside the thick wall of the garden
exquisite flowers began to grow
and people came from everywhere
grateful that seeds were sowed

They wanted to see inside the wall
but the gate was tightly locked.
So they patiently began to chip away
so access wasn't blocked.

Finally as they tunneled through
they were amazed by the beauty inside,
why had it remained invisible
not seen by anyone's eyes.

No one was willing to take the time
to look beyond the wall
they only saw the surface
and accepted the surface as all.

This is often true in life
when a wall protects your core,
though many people may walk by
no one knows if you can soar!

It's a rare and caring person
who wants to conquer the wall,
for most,it's not their problem
the person chose withdrawal.

It's sad they'll miss the garden
of someones beautiful soul,
for the surface beckons the shallow
and depth is never there goal.~~~

Author Unknown.

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This page created May 21,2000
Updated March 7, 2001

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