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This page is concerned with the summary of Tolkien's bestseller, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (1955)

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to read Lord of the Rings








Gandalf and Pippin arrive in Minas Tirith, the capital of the country of Gondor. During their trip, they learn that Gondor will soon be under siege by the forces of Mordor and they encounter a herald being sent to King Théoden of the Rohirrim for help. Arriving in Minas Tirith, they are received by Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. They bring him the news of his son's death, Boromir. Pippin offers his services to Denethor and is acknowledged as a soldier of Gondor. Pippin is introduced to the Gondor forces by Beregond. People in Minas Tirith are surprised to see a Hobbit, and soon Pippin is called "the Prince of the Halflings". Together with Bergil, Beregond's son, he watches the arrival of forces from all over Gonder which have come to defend Minas Tirith against the threat of Mordor. Alas, the number of soldier seems very little.

Meanwhile, the company of Theoden, Eomer, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Merry encounter Elladan and Elrohir, the sons of Elrond the Half-elf and a company of Rangers, who belong to Aragorn's people. They bring Aragorn the message to remember the "paths of the dead". Merry rides together with King Theoden and Eomer to Edoras.
Meanwhile, altough being discouraged by Eomer and Eowyn, Aragorn decides to take the Paths of the Dead. This is a way under the ground which leads to the Stone of Erech, where the ghosts of the people who broke their oath to Elendil dwell. Aragorn, as the rightfull heir of Elendil, can call these ghosts to fight for him and by fulfilling their oath, they can finally rest in peace. Aragorn decided to do so because he took a look in the palantír and saw Saurons forces outnumber the forces of Gondor.

In Rohan, a Munster is held to gather all soldiers to ride for Minas Tirith. Theoden does not allow Merry to join his forces, but, with aid of the mysterious Dernhelm, he rides along.

In Minas Tirith, Faramír returns with few men bringing news of the fall of the outposts in Osgiliath and the coming of the forces of Mordor. Being chased by Nazgul in winged beasts, Faramir is rescued by Gandalf the White and, although Faramir is terminally wouded, he is brought safely into town. Soon, the enemy is at the gates. Minas Tirith is under siege and the hammer Grond is cast at its doors. A the break of dawn, the Gates of Minas Tirith fall.

Meanwhile, the Rohirrim ride as fast as the can, fearing they will be too late. The learn that Minas Tirith is surrounded by enemies. With the aid of Ghân-buri-Ghân, chief of the Púkel people, they reach Minas Tirith riding along a path hidden for the enemy. At the break of dawn, companied by multiple horns blast and crying "Ride now, Rohirrim, Ride to Gondor" Theoden rides in the front line to the fallen Gates of Gondor. The Battle in the Pelennor fields takes place. The Rohirrim and the peolple from Gondor fight for their lives against the Orcs and other people from Mordor. Theoden kills Mordor chieftains but he is slain by the King of the Nazgul. No man can resist him, but Dernhelm appears to be a woman and no other than Eowyn, Eomer's sister. She, with the aid of Merry, slays the King of the Nazgul. All seems lost while a large fleet of black vessels arrives. Corsairs from Umbar, everyone fears. But it is Aragorn with the liberated people from Umbar, who joins the battle. With united forces, the armies of the west are victorious.
During the battle, all seemed lost for Denethor. His city under siege, his second son Faramir apparently dead. In his madness, he creates a pyre for him and his son. By the deeds of Beregond, Faramir is recued from the pyre, but Denethor burns.

In the houses of Healing, Aragorn proves to be a true King after the battle by healing the terminally wouded Eowyn, Faramir and Merry. He heals more wounded people in Minas Tirith with the aid of Athelas, a powerfull herb. At this moment he is given the name Elessar, the Elvenstone, as predicted by his birth.

Aragorn decides to ride against Mordor with the few forces of Gondor left, in a desperate attempt to draw attention from the mission of Frodo and Sam. His marches to the Black Gates of Mordor. There, the Lieutenant of the Barad-Dur shows them Frodo's mithril coat and an elven broche. All seems lost.


Meanwhile, at the border of Mordor, Sam is facing the problem of liberating Frodo, who was poisoned by Shelob and captured by Orcs. Using Galadriels phial, Sam manages to enter the Tower of Cirith Ungol. All is quiet there, because the Orcs seem to have slaughtered one another, supposedly for the treasuries Frodo was wearing. Sam chases the two Orcs left and finds Frodo, hungered and beaten up. Frodo immediately asks for the Ring Sam is carrying. Together, they enter Mordor. They notice being chased by some Orcs, but manage to escape again and again.
The march through Mordor is very tough, since Frodo experiences the burden of the Ring more and more... Being dressed as Orcs, the are forced to join a company of Orcs heading for the Black Gate, where the Lords of the West challenge the forces of Mordor. Using his last forces, Frodo manages to fly from the Orc company, and, together with Sam, he faces the last miles to Mount Doom.

During the last miles, Frodo is exhausted in such a way that Sam has to carry him the last miles up the slopes of Mount Doom. Suddenly, while having almost reached the top, Gollum appears. While Sam fights Gollum, Frodo crawls on to the Crack of Doom. Sam defeats Gollum, but his pity causes him to let Gollum go.

While having reached the Cracks of Doom in the Orodruin (Mount Doom), Frodo realises he is to cast the Ring into the Deep. Suddenly he realises he doesn't want to do that, and he proclaims himself "the Lord of the Ring". Sauron immediately realises he is being distracted by the Army of the West at the Morannon and sends the Nazgul to Mount Doom. At Mount Doom, Gollum faces Frodo again, and in the fight that follows, Gollum bites the Ring-bearing finger from Frodo's hand. In his joy, Gollum slips and is cast, together with the One Ring into the Cracks of Mount Doom. The Ring is destroyed and Mount Doom erupts.

Frodo and Sam crawl out of the Depths, and while the realm of Mordor is being destroyed under their feet, they are rescued by Gandalf who flies on Gwahir, the King of the Eagles. The Nazgul are destroyed with the Ring and the Barad-Dur collapses while the spirit of Sauron is overcome. At the Field of Cormallen, the heroes Frodo and Sam are honoured.

Next, the army returns to Gondor, where, at the Gates of Minas Tirith, Aragorn, son of Arathorn is being acknowledged as the true King of Gondor. Frodo carries the Crown of Gondor to Gandalf, who places it on Aragorns head. After the party that follows, Aragorn finds a sapling of the White Tree, the sign of the Numenoreans, and he plants the sapling in the central court of Minas Tirith.

After being crowned, a large company of Elves arrives in Minas Tirith, among which are Elrond and Arwen, his daughter. Aragorn is granted permission to marry Arwen Undómiel and upon the day of Midsummer, he does so.

After the festivities it is time for the Hobbits to return to the Shire. On their way back they visit Orthanc, where Saruman leaves the pinnacle, together with Wormtongue. Together with Gandalf, the travel back to Bree, where Gandalf departures. Arriving in the Shire, Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin discover that things have changed. There seems to be a dictator who destroyed the Shire with strict rules and industry buildings. The four Hobbits cause an uproar against the occupants (who seem to be Men from the East) and in the Battle of Bywater, captains Meriadoc and Peregrin are victoriuos. They head for Bag's End, where the leader of the occupants, Sharkey or "the Chief", resides. To their surprise it is Saruman. After he corrupted Lotho Sacksville-Baggins, his Men took over the Shire, killing Lotho.
Saruman realises his defeat and departures from the Shire. Wormtongue, realising the loss, grabs a secret dagger and kills Saruman. Wormtongue is hit by many arrows and dies.
The rebuilding of the Shire can commence.

In the years after, Sam, Merry and Pippin joyfully live in the Shire. Frodo, however, still feels the burden of the Ring and the wound of the Morgul dagger. After a few years, Frodo suddenly leaves with a company of Elves. Sam accompanies him to the Grey Havens, where all Ringbearers, together with many Elves leave the shore of Middle Earth to Valinor in the West. Frodo, Bilbo, Galadriel and Gandalf embark on the ship that takes them there.

Sam returns to Bag's End. He sits down in a chair, next to his wife Rose and he draws a deep breath. "Well, I'm back", he said.



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Lord of the Rings
-=[RBoW]=- Lord of the Rings : background on LOTR

-=[RBoW]=- Fellowship of the Ring: summary of the 1st book of LOTR
-=[RBoW]=- The Two Towers : summary of the 2nd book of the trilogy

Other books
-=[RBoW]=- The Hobbit : summary of the Hobbit
-=[RBoW]=- The Silmarillion : summary of the Silmarillion
-=[RBoW]=- Bilbiography : a list of Tolkien's books

- J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994. ISBN0-261-10320-2


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