To search for DBZ's you have a dragonball locator or radar. Then you have to look for the time it takes to find 1 DBZ. After collecting them come to either Majin Godon or Adult Gohan to get your wishes. The only way to get a DBZ from a another player is to fight him or he gives them to you. Ok here are the number of wishes u get for the DBZ's: Earth=2 Namek=3 Dark Star=4. Once the wishes have been granted and the DBZ's are used then you must wait a week to search for them again. Thanx
-Majin Godon
These are the stats for the DBZ's:
dbz 1: MG
dbz 2: MG
dbz 3: MG
dbz 4: MG
dbz 5: MG
dbz 6: MG
dbz 7: MG