The T.R.A.C.E.R. Project

Telemarketers' Rude Acting Customers Emotional Response

The inspiration for this project came from a Winnepeg artist/telemarketer whose gallery opening made international news last year. The artwork consisted primarily of the telephone numbers of those people who had been rude to a stranger on the telephone. The purpose of this page is consciousness-raising (not art). We do not live in a vacuum, and while the collective conscious now seems bent on bashing telemarketers, there is no excuse for treating one's fellow man with any sort of disrespect.

Submission Guidelines

So I am asking all you hard-working, dedicated telemarketers out there to send me lists of phone numbers of the rudest people whom you have called. Simple hangups don't qualify; someone using foul language or personally attacking or belittling you does qualify for inclusion. E-MAIL information here. I am not interested in hearing anything anti-telemarketing. I will strive to keep your identity secret but will include initials and location to add a little flavor.


This information is not intended to hurt or harm anyone, but only to help make the public aware that it is good manners to be nice to everyone. These numbers are not published with the intent that anyone call them. Please don't bother these nasty folks who cuss at telemarketers. I cannot be responsible for the accuracy or validity of any submissions published here, and will not attempt to verify any numbers. This project is simply a tool of karma. So there.


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