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Warrior Woman
Historical fiction from a white male Arizona State University Professor. He makes up a biography of Story of Lozen, Apache Warrior and Shaman.

Andrews, Lynn
Medicine Woman, Jaguar Woman, Star Woman , and Crystal Woman (et al)

She claims to have been taught by a Hopi Medicine Woman. Her Indian ex-boyfriend later revealed that she perpetrated a multi-million dollar hoax. A Beverly Hills actress who claims that in the mid-'70s she became an apprentice to Agnes Whistling Elk, a Native American medicine and a Cree shaman from Manitoba. Her Workshop "Into the CrystalDreamtime" has gone on nationwide tours. Medicine Woman, the initial account of her experiences, won Andrews an enormous response from readers across the country. Suspiciously, all subsequent books were marketed as nonfiction. The reason for this was that in November 1988 an affidavit was filed with a lawsuit brought by David Carson, Choctow, a writer and former live-in companion of Andrews, contending that "as a result of our personal relationship, she and I composed a series of literary works." Carson has since made claims suggesting that many of Andrews 's experiences were the results of his own creative imagination. He claimed he wove them into a fictional narrative describing her exotic adventures with various shamans based on his own limited knowledge of Choctow culture.

Atwood, Mary Deer
Spirit Healing: Native American Magic and Medicine
Popular with New Age Pagans and Wiccans. She teaches you to find your power animal and advocates crystal healing and speaking to guardian angels. She claims to be able to teach readers to analyze auras from touch. Readers are taught how to make their own Medicine Bundles and are told how to determine to whom they can show the bundles. Most of the book is pure Nuage, but Christianity is included as well. The author states that if you come across road kill, it was meant for you to find.

Bear, Wabun
Earth Astrology

Became director of the Bear Tribe following Sun Bear's passing in 1992.

Bear Heart (aka Marcellus Bear Heart Williams)
The Wind Is My Mother: The Life and Thoughts of a Native American Shaman

Claims to be Muscoge/Creek and a full-blooded and trained Medicine Man

Beautiful Painted Arrow(aka Joseph E. Rael)
Stories and teachings from the Native American Tradition

Claims to be Shoshonee sometimes and Ute sometimes. He sold out and went to Playboy

Black, Elk Wallace (aka Grampa Wallace aka Wallace Black Elk Cow)
Black Elk: The Sacred Ways of the Lakota
A Former AIM member and apprentice to Leonard Crow Dog, Mr. Black Elk now associated with Sun Bear. He has become a best selling author to the Men's Movement. He wrote a how-to book for Lakota Shamanism which is currently used as the Twinkie Bible. He has falsely claimed that he is a Channupa (sacred pipe) bearing descendent of the legendary Nicholas Black Elk whose visionary experiences were recounted in the book Black Elk Speaks.

see New Age Frauds Plastic Shamans
Charlotte Black Elk, Great Grand-daughter of Black Out speaks out against him in the Lakota Times July 7, 1991 articel by Avis Little Eagle
He is also listed under WE DO NOT RECOMMEND in LAKOTA OYATA When we go bad, we really go bad!

Brandi, John
Coyote Tribe
One of the many hippie/poets calling himself "of the Coyote tribe." (At least he'll get enough to eat.)

Byant-Guynup, Page
The Spiritual Reawakening of the Great Smokey Mountains, Crystal Visions, Star Walking: Shamanic Practices for walking into the Night Sky
Psychic apprentice to Sun Bear selling psychic portraits of your guardian angle.

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Carter, Forest (aka Asa Earl Carter)
The Education of Little Tree
Complete work of fiction from cover to cover. Carter had heavy Klan connections, was fired from radio station for making racist comments, and worked for George Wallace. He believed strongly in believed in segregation. He is reported to have said that he considered the book an exercise in "creative writing." Linda Gorman, Senior Fellow Independence Institute, Golden, Colorado

Christopher X. Burant
"Of Wild Men and Warriors"
A Men's Movement practitioner, Christopher tells stories from the mythopoetic men's movement. Arthurian romances, Zen Buddhist tales, and fairy with resonance from a depth psychology perspective are his forte.

Cady, Jim
Another White Shaman

Carlos Castaneda
Teachings of Don Juan, the Yaqui Sorcerer, A Separate Reality, Journey to Ixtlan, The Second Ring of Power, The Eagle's Gift
A notorious hoaxer. To see his fraud exposed and analyzed in detail read: Richard DeMille's Castaneda's Journey: The Power and the Allegory (Santa Barbara, CA: Capra Press, 1976)
See also:

Seven Arrows
This book was found to be offensive by the Northern Cheyenne. It talks about the White Shaman's role in poetry.(?)

Cloutier, David
Native Life, Spirit Song Shaman Song
Native Life translated through a very WASPy viewpoint.

Eagle Bear, Morgan
Morgan Eagle Bear

Read the Tribal Warning about this character.

Eagle Walking Turtle(aka Gary McClain)

Claims to be Choctaw

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Fein, Judith
Indian Time
She and her husband, Paul Ross are the only two modern people in over 100 years to be banned by the Eighth Northern Indian Pueblo's Council for "abusing our hospitality and goodwill."

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Archie Fire Lamedeer

Fitzpatrick, Brid
Great Grandfather Spirit: a Pathway to the Energy Source of Native American Wisdom
The author claims to take the reader on a "Totem Animal Journey" an important part of which involves placing a crystal on top of his/her head. Whites are advised to perform the 'ceremonies' described individually. The phrase "Mitakye Oyasin" is repeated through out the book and the author erroneously states that the four colors represent the four races.

Gene Fowler

Jamake Highwater(aka Markoupoulis)
The Primal Mind
A former Armenian ballet dancer. He deliberately misrepresented himself as Native American in order to obtain $85,000.00 in Federal Grand money. He was so popular that the government refused to prosecute him.

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Hull Michael
Sun Dancing: A Spiritual Journey on the Red Road

Michael Hull claims he is the only white Sun Dance Chief and was extended an invitation to join in a Sun Dance by Lakota elder Leonard Crow Dog

Hyemeyohsts Storm
Transpersonal Psychology, Irradiology, Enimes
Seven Arrows

Morgan "Eaglebear" Maez
The Fake and Phony Morgan Eaglebear Maez
False Claims of Morgan Eagle Bear Maez in Native News archive

Karl May

Adolph Hitler's favorite author. He may have very well been the first twinkie since he never visited the United states, yet wrote books claiming to be an expert on Cherokee spiritual practices. Hitler's obsession with Native Americans sparked the German hobbyist movement which later became the men's movement in the United States. The Swastika was an appropriated Native American symbol. Just like today's twinkies, Hitler and May firmly believed they were honoring the Native Americans when they perverted our cultural symbols.

Click here to read more about it

"Karl May's books where Hitler became infatuated with the Swastika. The swastika was used by many North American Indians, and it frequently appeared in illustrations of May's novels."

Ed McGaa(aka Eagle Man)
Rainbow Tribe, Mother Earth, Spirituality Native Wisdom Eagle Vision: Return of the Hoop, Mother Earth Spirituality, Native Wisdom, Eagle Vision
He claims to be Oglala Lakota, but Lakota Oyate has him on their NOT RECOMMENDED list.

Medicine Eagle, Brooke (aka Brooke Edwards)
SEE: Lakota Oyate's NOT RECOMMENDED list Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, Last Ghost Dance

Moon Dance, Wolf
Rainbow Medicine: A Visionary Guide to Native American Shamanism, Star Medicine
She claims to be an Osage/Cherokee shaman. She basically promotes a hodge-podge of made up Native Ceremonies combined with Wiccan stuff. She tells you how to do an intention ceremony by lighting a white candle and to use blue prayer ties to pray about sexual things. (Guess she got the idea from the term "blue movies"???

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N.O. Walker, Bertrand

Diantha Rau
Vessel and Skin

Harley Swiftdeer Reagan
He made Lakota Oyate's NOT RECOMMENDED list

John Redtail Freesoul (real name unknown)

Purports to be Cheyenne-Arapaho

Rutledge, Don
Center of the World: Native American Spirituality
He claims to be a Plains Cree Pipe keeper

Sams, Jamie
The Thirteen Original Clan Mothers, Walk the Seven Paths to Spiritual Enlightenment, Medicine Cards, Sacred Path Cards
She sells Lakota Sweat Lodges and Medicine CardsJust like Amylee, she claims to be a member of the "Wolf Clan teaching lodge" (this is a big warning sign) She claims her stories were passed down by two Kiowa grandmothers: Cisi Laughing Crow and Berta Broken Bow. She assigns colors to the moons (i.e.) "Gives Praise Moon" gets the color purple. Strangely enough, she has created a twelve month moon cycle based on the Julian calender and is completely oblivious to the basic fact that tribal people realize that there are thirteen lunar months. She also promotes what she calls the twelve cycles of truth which are supposed to be Seneca teachings. She claims that the thirteen crystal skulls made popular by Art Bell listeners are part of traditional Native American teachings. She tells the reader to use animal bones to create Kachina dolls and ceremonial bone masks. The dead give-away that she is a fraud is that she instructs her followers to make Medicine Shields.

Dr. Scout Cloud Lee
The Circle is Sacred: A Medicine Book for Women
Claims to be Board Certified (Certifiable) in leading corporate and government groups in team building and "dream stalking." Dr Lee runs the Open Spoke Ranch in Stillwater, OK where s/he claims to use "ceremony as an agent of change." S/he openly admits to making up ceremonies. She also runs something she calls the lodge of the strong hearts. Followers are instructed to make a Parrot feather fan with blue on top because "it is the desire of all women to see blood flow blue." Readers are told that the Hawk fan delivers a message "just like Jesus." Shamelessly declares him/her self the "self-proclaimed Master of Ritual and Ceremony" openly admits to making up the "Malibu bonding stick". "When people can come to the stick they come to make public a promise or covenant that is made before God." S/he warns her followers that: "the consequences for turning from the stick are very great." (We'll take our chances)

Tony Shearer

Gary Snyder
Turtle Island

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Steiger, Brad
Indian Wisdom and its Guiding Power, Indian Medicine Power, Totems: The Transformative Power of Your Personal Animal Totem
In the work he interviews Sun Bear -- need we say more.

Mary Summer Rain No-eyes Medicine Woman of the Chippewa Nation,

Sun Bear, Crysalis Mulligan, Peter Nufer, Wabun et. al
Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology, Black Dawn Bright Day: Indian Prophesies Earth Changes, Walk in Balance, Dancing with the Wheel: The Medicine Wheel Workbook, Dreamng with the Wheel, Buffalo Hearts, Return to Creation, At Home in the Wilderness, Light Seeds, Animal Energies
Kahunas, psychic surgery. The original Twinkie, he founded the Bear tribe for wannabes.
Sun Bear made Lakota Oyate's Lakota Oyate's NOT RECOMMENDED list

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Swiftdeer, Harley
There is an interesting article from Four Directions Student Association which denounces him.

This article documents his offensive sexual teachings
(Not for young people)

Mary Elizabeth Thunder
Thunder's Grace

Jack Weatherford
Indian Giver: A Legacy of Native American Natural Peoples(by Warren Lowe)
Weatherford plagiarized the work and tried to sell it as his own.

Wabun Wind
The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology, Books: Dreaming of the Wheel: How to Interpret your Dreams using the Medicine Wheel, Woman of the Dawn, Dancing with the Wheel

Wolf Moondance
Rainbow Spirit Journeys, Rainbow Medicine, Spirit Medicine, Star Medicine
The author claims to take reader on a journey to remember past lives and a journey to see those who have crossed over.

Wind Daughter Echoes and Remembrances

Dhyani Ywahoo
Voices of Our Ancesters
She has claimed to be a 27th generation member of the "Etowah band of Eastern Cherokees" and a member of the "wild potatoe[sic] clan." (We could not make this up!)

If your Nuage guru smells fishy,
check him out:


If you know of any other exploiters we've missed we'd appreciate an e-mail at
If we goofed and added the name of a respectful, legitimate NDN please e-mail us also.
(Unless you are a trinkie)

DO NOT SEND US E-MAILS ABOUT JAMIE SAMS, LYN ANDREWS, CARLOS CASTENEDA, SUN BEAR, anyone involved in the SISTERHOOD OF THE SHIELDS, anyone who purchased a "wolf clan membership" from Grandma Twyla, anyone who was 'adopted' by Leonard Crow Dog, anyone associated with the CRYSTAL SKULLS, the STAR SEED CHILDREN, or anyone who claims to be a "SHAMAN" or offers courses on how you can be a "SHAMAN". We don't have time to keep discussing obvious frauds whe were exposed decades ago.

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Red Road Collective
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