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The following are presented as interesting sites.
Obviously RRC does not necessary endorse everything on these pages. Some information is provided by Christians, some is provided by Jewish people and some is provided by skeptics and atheists. Please keep in mind that deep concern about the growning encroachment of the New Age in every sphere of our lives comes from many different perspectives. We always encourage everyone to develop their critical thinking skills and learn to think for themselves. These sites, if read with the proper objective attitude, can expand your thinking about the New Age and its roots in the Nazi Occult.
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Many New Agers who appropriate Native American spiritual beliefs combine it with Anthroposophy’s Racialist Ideology. It's important to understand what Steiner and his contemporary proponents stand for in order to recognize it in the New Age. A common misconception promoted by the New Age is that the four colors or the medicine wheel stand for the "four races". This ideology comes form Rudolph Steiner, it has absolutely nothing to do with any indigenous belief. The racist belief prevelant in the New Age that Native American's spiritual "karma" is to go extinct, comes directly from the racist ideology promoted by Steiner.

The Rainbow Swastika: A Report to the Jewish People About New Age Anti-Semitism

A mother challenges 'race' theories in Rudolf Steiner education for anyone who still can't see the danger of the New Age fraudulently assigning race to the medicine wheel colors

U.K. Skeptics: David Icke and New Age Anti-Semitism "There is a further, more insidiously damaging instance of where metaphor has been seen to be used inappropriately. Icke’s repeated use of reptilian and alien symbolism was at one stage a cause for concern for ethnic minority groups, particularly Jewish, who believed that Icke was hiding his true anti-Semitic agenda. No action has since been taken when they realised that Icke did really mean reptiles. However, although Icke strongly denies any anti-Semitic inclinations, one should be aware of the company he keeps and the claims he has made. Canadian contacts and tour organisers, including Joseph Duggan, owner of Strong Eagles Productions, and Tom J. Kennedy of “The Preferred Network” have right-wing, anti-Semitic leanings. In his self-published second book, “And the truth shall set you free”, Icke repeated his belief, both in the Tsarist-forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”, and that a Jewish clique was behind the Two World Wars and the Russian Revolution. In the same book he also denounced the Nuremberg Trials as “a calculated exercise in revenge and manipulation”."

Some comments on the paper "Race and Redemption. Racial and Ethnic Evolution in Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy" by Peter Staudenmaier from 2004 Sune Nordwall

STEINER’S RACISM The Evil Within by Roger Rawlings Afterword by Peter Staudenmaier

Secret Rulers Of The World - David Icke, Lizards and Jews -

Decription: "This is the amazing documentary The Lizards And The Jews - Documentary on David Icke which among other things shows how false accusations of...all » This is the amazing documentary The Lizards And The Jews - Documentary on David Icke which among other things shows how false accusations of hate crimes (especially antisemitism) are used against people like David Icke who are exposing the power hungry globalist elite and thus preventing all of us to hear alternative views on global events. "David Icke, The Lizards And The Jews", broadcaster and journalist Jon Ronson encounters one of Britain's most infamous media figures as he continues his search to uncover the truth behind who - or what - is really controlling the world. Tonight Ronson joins David Icke on a lecture tour that takes the ex-sports broadcaster headlong into controversy as his extraordinary views dismay his detractors and inspire his audiences, providing a fascinating insight into extremists - and how the public responds to them. David Icke was once the most ridiculed man in Britain after declaring on The Terry Wogan Show that he was the Son of God. But he has now resurrected his career and is an internationally successful conspiracy investigator who lectures to packed houses world-wide. His latest theory is that the ruling elite are genetically descended from a race of 12-foot blood-drinking, shape-shifting lizards. But when Icke says lizards does he just actually mean lizards, as he steadfastly maintains? Or does he, as a powerful coalition of prominent Jewish groups claim, mean Jews? Ronson witnesses the media circus that ensues from Icke's tour of Canada. The Anti-Defamation League (ADF), the world's most powerful Jewish defence organization, and a coalition of leftist campaigners strongly oppose Icke's tour. The ADL believe that 'lizard' is code word for Jews, but Icke vehemently denies this. They point out that Icke has many followers on the extreme right. The hardcore neo-Nazis Unit Combat 18 once attended a lecture of his in London and gave him a glowing review in their newsletter. Old anti-Semitic cartoons from Eastern Europe portray Jews in a lizard-type way. Is this just coincidence? In Vancouver, a coalition of prominent anti-racists call an emergency anti-Icke meeting. One member comments, "Above all, I think David Icke represents a political threat, because his writings are anti-Semitic." Efforts are also made by protestors to have Icke deported and his book seized and incinerated under Canadian Hate Crimes Legislation."