When the Anishinaabeg speak about time, they refer to what is going on aroung them in nature. The words which refer to the months of the year, talk about what is happening with the earth, what the animals are doing and what's in season.
Moons of the Anishinaabeg
January: Minado Giizis (Min-ah-doh Gee-zehss)
February: Makwa Giizis Bear Moon (Mah-kwah)
March: Onaabidin Giizis Snow Crust Moon (Oh-nah-bid-in)
April: Popogami Giizis Broken Snowshoe Moon (Poh-poh-gah-meh)
May: Nimebine GiizisSucker Moon (Nimh-eh-bin-eh)
June: Waabigonii Giizis Blooming Moon (Wah-bi-gah-nee)
July: Miin Giizis Berry Moon (Meehn)
August: Minoomini Giizis Grain Moon(Min-oo-mihn-nee)
September: Wabaabagaa Giizis Changing Leaves Moon (Wa-bah-ba-gah)
October: Binaakwe GiizisFalling Leaves Moon (Bi-nah-kway)
November: Baashkaakodin Giizis Freezing Moon (Bah-shkah-koh-din)
December: Minado Giisoonhs* Little Spirit Moon (Min-ah-doh Gee-soonhs)
Moon animation from Free Clip Art