The Seven Grandfathers
in Aanishnaabemowin



This is Don Abel.  He is from West Bay, Ontario.  He will tell us today, about the Seven Teachings.  Once a Nishnabe told me, before entering the Sweat Lodge, you have to listen.  When you learn why it was put here on earth, then you can go in.  Do not go in just to find out something or to look around and find out about Nishnaabeg.

Don Abel maaba.  Mchigiing njibaa.  Nah, wii-bdaataanan niizhwaaswi kinoomaadwinan.  Mii Nishnaabe gaa zhid ngoding, jibwaa biindigeyin bwezogamig ezhnikaadeg, aabdeg ka bzindam.  Baamaa kenman we gaa-binjichigaadeg maanpii gidkamig, mii jibiindigeyin.  Gegwaa ka biindigesii wii-ndakenman eta maage wii-paa ninaabiyin, wii-ndakenn madwaa Nishnaabeg.

The conductor will tell you.  Then he will later start talking about the seven teachings that were given to Nishnaabeg.

Nishnaabe eniigaansid da wiindamaage.  Mii dash baamaa maadaadtang ninda niizhwaaswi kidwinan gaa-miinindwaa Nishnaabeg.

Long ago, when Nishnaabeg first came, they had a hard time.  There was all kinds of sicknesses and bad things around.  The Messenger was told, "Go down there, look around and find out what is happening.  Bring back someone who we can tell about what life should be, with the Nishnaabeg.

Mewnzha giiyenh Nishnaabeg eshki-yaa'aad aapji giigdagtowang.  Kina gegoo aakoziiwin miinwaa mjaii gii-temgad, Oshkabewas gii-jigaazo, "Niisaandwen, paa-ninaabin, paandakenjgen.  Ka bibskaabwinaa ge-wiindamowang weweni wii-bmaadziwaas Nishnaabeg.

He left immediately and went to all places in the North, South, West and East.  He could not find anyone.  On his seventh try, while he was looking, he saw a baby.  The baby's parents were out working.  So he picked up the baby.  Before taking the baby, he offered tobacco, he also, left a little bit of cloth, so that the Nishnaabeg would not think that the baby was taken for a bad reason.

Mii-gii-bimaajaad, kina wa Giiwednong nikeyaa, Zhawanong, Epgishmak,  Waabanong.  Gaawii wiya giimkwaasiin.  Mii dash eko-niizhwaaching megwaa paa-ninaabid, binoojiinsan gii-waabmaan.  Paa-nokiibaniig binoojiins gitziiman.  Miish gii-daapnaad.  Jibwaa maajiinaad, semaan giibgidnaan, miinwaa bangii gidagiigaans, wii-kenmowaad gonda Nishnaabeg gaawii wiya giimji-daapnaasiin binoojiinsan.

He took the baby back to where the Grandfathers were sitting in a circle.  He was still very small and still wrapped inside the cradleboard.

Miish gii-maajiinaad neyaap Mishoomsag gaa-giidtagdabwaad.  Aapji yaabi gaachiinye miinwaa wiikwejiibzo zhe tkinaaganing.

One of the grandfathers looked at the baby very carefully.  "This is the one.  Messenger, pick up the baby.  Take him all over, teach him carefully the way Nishnaabeg should lead their lives."  The Messenger took him; they went around the earth.

Bezhig wa Mishoomis giignoobmaan (giignommaan) weweni.  "Mii maaba".  Oshkabewas, ka daapnaa binoojiins.  Kina ngoji ka maajiinaa, ka kinoomowaa, kina weweni nishnabe eshi-bmaadzibane.  Oshkabewas gii-maajiinaan ninda, gii-paa ninaaboog gidkamig.

When they came back seven years later, the little boy again saw his Grandfathers.  He was already a young man.  The Grandfathers noticed that this boy was very honest.  He understood everything that was taught.  One of the grandfathers took a drum and started singing.  He took a piece of cloth of every color which represented all the teachings.  Each direction had a color of its own.  "I'm not finished yet," said the Messenger as they left.

Bibskaabwiiyaad niizhwaaswi bboongag, gii-waabmaan miinwaa gwiizens ninda Mishoomsan.  Aapji zhazhi nishkininiiwiiba gwiizens.  Nandag Mishoomsag gii-waabmaa'aan aapji gwekwaadzid gwiizens.  Kina gegoo giin sastaan wiindamoowin.  Miidash bezhig Mishoomis gii daapnang dewegaans, miish giingamod.  Gidagiigaans gii-daapnaan kina wa enso-nandeg, kina kinoomaagenan gii-temgadoon.  Bekaan gii-naande giiwednong nikeyaa, zhawanong, waabanong miinwaa epgishmak.  "Gaawii mshi-giizhiitaasiimi," kida Oshkabewas, miish gii-maajaa'aad.

When they came back, each of the grandfathers gave the little boy a teaching.  "These are the ones you take with you," he was told.

Bibskaabii'aad Mishoomsag gii-miinaa'aan kinoomaagenan gwiizensan.  "Mii ninda emaajiidooyin," gii-jigaazo.

He was given Wisdom in order to better his life through knowledge of life.  Next, was Love, so that he may take it to his Nishnaabeg; to be able to teach them to speak well of each other. 

Nbwaakawin gii-miinaa, ji-kendamowaad weweni wii-nishibmaadziwaad.  Naa dash miinwaa gii-miingaazo Zaagidwin.  Weweni kwiiji Nishnaabe ka kinoomwaa ejigaadeg maanda wii-mnognoom-diwaad.

They started to talk about Respect.  "Show Respect for all things here on earth, all people, regardless of race or language.  And then, this is Bravery.  There will be a time when you have problems.  So never let go what has been given to you.  Then one grandfather picked up Honesty.  To live the right, honest way, to speak well of your fellow man, to know  think through whatever life brings.  Humility  that man, tries to live in harmony and balance on earth.  One should not think himself above others, while walking here on earth.

Miinwa bezhig Mishoomis gii-daapnaan Gwekwaadziwin.  Weweni wii-shibmaadzing, wii-mnognoomin kwiiji Nishnaabe, kwii-ninaagdenmami wewendig gegoo zhiwebak.  Dbaadendizwin Nishnaabe weweni wii-zhiyaad eko-shkitood maampii gidkaamig.  Gaawii wiya da gchi-shpendisik maampii mosed akiing.

The last grandfather took Truth.  This was given to Nishnaabeg when all of these teachings are understood.  Then the Messenger and his student got up.  Already the boy became a man as he left.

Mishoomis dash shkwaach gii daapnaan debwewin.  Kina gegoo nindan kenman gaa-bi-wiindamaagooyiin gonda mishoomsag.  Mii maaba Oshkabewas giibzigwiiyaad.  Mii dash zhaazhi Nishnaabewid gwiizens gii-nimaajaad.

When he came back to us, he brought these teachings, before we enter the Sweat Lodge.  So, that Nishnaabeg would remember and not lose them.  Every place we go and see life, we should be able to pass on these teachings to our Nishnaabeg.

Gii-dgoshing, gii-biidoonan ninda wiindamaagenan, mii wii-debaadchigaadeg jibwaa biindigeyiing Bwezogamig.  Nishnaabeg weweni wii-mjimendaamowaad miinwaa gaawii da nitoosiinaa'aa.  Kina wa ngoji mi-waamdaman eshibmaadziyiing, ka mijidzemi kwiiji Nishnaabenaanig ji-wiindemoongid.

It was good; we as Nishnaabeg were given the pipe so that the Creator can help.  We have to speak of these carefully as we walk this road.  Every Nishnaabe speaks of these teachings differently.  Every time we hear them, we should be able to take the knowledge given, as we understand and take them with us.  Sometimes, it is not time to teach you, to talk of these speakers, that take these into their hearts, as they speak of them.

Begish wa Nishnaabe gaa-maamiingaazot nein pwaaganan, wii-naadmaagowaad Zhemnidoon.  Aabdeg weweni wii-dibaajmowiing enipiiskayiing maampii Nishnaabe miikanaang.  Bebkaan wa wiya Nishnaabe damidbaadtaanan nindan kinoomaadwinan.  Mii sa miinwaa ji-midepbidoowiing nibwaakaawin ejigaadeg, ka minsastaanaa, ka mnodaapnaanaa nindan.  Naangodnong, gaawii zagiiyepdesnoo ji-kinoomoonaa, ji-kidiiyaamba bebaati-baajmajig, aabdeg wii-mnodebtoonaa'aa wii-aanzoogdamwaad.

This is how little I know, of these that were given to this little boy the Seven Teachings.

Mii dash genii bangii eshi-kenmaa ne-in gaa-miingaazot maaba gwiizens Niizhwaaswi Kinoomaagenan.


Translation by
Sandra Peltier