The Seven Teachings of the Ojibwe
LOVE (Zaagidwin): The Anishinaabeg were to always act in LOVE. To love the Great Spirit the same way he loved his people, because it was the love of the Great Spirit that gave life. Children are to be loved, for children are a gift from the Great Spirit.
RESPECT (Mnaadendiwin): To RESPECT all life in Mother Earth. To show real respect was to give of themselves for the benefit of all life. To respect the Elders and the Leaders who upheld the sacred laws of the Great Spirit.
COURAGE (Aakdehewin): To have COURAGE to always do that was morally right. To be proud of being Anishinaabeg and
never to deny the way of life the Great Spirit gave to them.
HONESTY (Gwekwaadziwin): To be HONEST to themselves. To live in the spirit of how they were created. Never to lie or gossip about one another.
WIDSOM (Nbwaakaawin): To live in WISDOM and that is knowing the gifts the Great Spirit gave to everyone. To use these gifts to build a family and community filled with caring, sharing, kindness, respect, and love for one another. When we know and use our gifts we become an instrument of the Great Spirit, helping to bring peace to the world.
HUMILITY (Ddaadendizwin): Always to act in HUMILITY. One was to always think about their family, their fellow man, and their community before they thought of themselves. To know humility is to know that there is a Great Spirit and he is the creator of all life, and therefore he directs all life.
TRUTH (Debwewin): Always to seek the TRUTH. The truth lies in spirit. Prayer was to be done everyday at sunrise to give thanksgiving to the Great Spirit for the gift of life. All gifts and each ceremony were given by the Great Spirit to the Anishinaabeg to help them find truth, the true meaning of their life, and existance. Living truth is living the seven great laws.
The Seven Values came from theTreaty One website. Told By Waabishki Giizis (Dave Courchene Jr.) in the Sagkeeng News.
The Seven Grandfathers Posters by Ken Ense came from
Ojibwe Resources
Nishnaabe Kinoonmaagewin
Contact Information: Treaty One Protection Office 300-340 Assiniboine Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0Y1 204.942.2332 204.946.1846 fax General Inquiries
Last Updated: 1/28/02