Reds Marijuana
What up everyone. This website contains everything about weed, from growing it to cooking it in everyday food. It also has various pictures that I have collected from other websites that might be of interest to you.
This site is specifically made for people in Riverside, CA. So all you people that live in Washington, get the fuck out!
Now that I cleared all that up, I am going to update this site as much as I can about the incredible stuff about hemp and marijuana. I do not promote any other drug besides marijuana. Technically marijuana is not a drug, its a plant so fuck whatever I just said and forget. But I do smoke cigarettes for relaxation and just for the heck of it.
Marijuana Culture
Drug Tests
Marijuana Experiences
Grow Guides
Marijuana Myths
Marijuana Recipes
Marijuana Bud Pics
Marijuana Plant Pics
Questions or comments? E-mail me at

Shoutouts to the Kottenmouth Kings, Kenny, Jamie, Morgan, Shannon, Derek, Dustin, Brandon, Andy, and all my other friends that helped me get where I am now               -Red
Under Construction
    Daily News:
I just updated the site again today. The date is 3/14/03. Selling some weed if anybody wants to buy, e-mail me.      -Red
     Weekly News:
Buying a half O. of some bomb-ass chronic this tuesday if anyone wants to buy. E-mail me if you want to buy some :)          -Red
  Monthly News:
Off to a good start this month. Kicked some guys ass, gonna start selling and it all starts tomorrow. Heh.   -Red