Noel's Friends title graphic

Noel photo

Computing Cat graphicA Word From Noel

I don't think I know any other cats who have their own web page.
But maybe I should.  Maybe this internet thing will catch on, and
you'll see cat-created pages pop up all over the web.  Fluffies and
Babies and Snowballs of the world, Unite!  We'll organize, and soon
catnip mice and munchies will be delivered to the door of cat-owned
homes everywhere.  But until then, until my dream is realized, I'll have
to be satisfied with showing off pics of my friends and not-quite friends.

Take a look at the following pictures and tell me if these aren't some
of the best-lookin' goldarn kitties anywhere.  And when you're done here,
move on to More Of Noel's Friends, the continuation of this page!!!

(photo) Jonesy

And then along came Jonesy!  This handsome fella is the luckiest feline I know.  Lives in the country.  Two squares a day plus all the mice he can catch.  No wonder he looks a little, well, self-satisfied.  And to top it all off, I hear he has lots of friends and a fish pond nearby.
Some guys have all the luck.  Not that I would trade places with him.  I am strictly an urban feline, with concrete under my paws.


This guy, Jonesy's 'beast' buddy, is a little on the shy side.  Kinda a contrast to Mr. Personality up top, but no slouch in the outdoor cat marathon.  'Course, his nickname is Minnie, and that's a mouse, and, well, I wonder if there is a little species confusion there.  Who am I to say?  I'm no Sigmund Fraud.  Anyway, he may be a little on the shy side, but his human loves him just the way he is.  As it should be.

(photo) Cinnamon
(photo) Lucky

They don't call this guy Lucky for nothing!  He was a down and outer, a regular homeless waif, when a kid picked him up and took him home.  And the rest is history.  But does he appreciate it?  Naw!  This guy is a regular sour puss! Hiss, swat, growl, you name it, he does it.  Oh well, I guess someone has to be a grouch, and he got the job.  Shoulda named him Oscar.


This is the grand old man of the above bunch.  He is the main puss, the Methuselah moggie of them all.  Meaning, he is elderly, a senior cat, an elder statesman, with all of his dignity intact.  And what a great life!  Sleep, eat, nap, eat, snooze, eat... I think you probably see a trend.  All of that activity, broken up by a morning constitutional or an evening walk.  It's a grand life!

(photo) Barney

Cat and Aquarium graphic

Break Time!!!
C'mon, admit it, you're just dyin' to see baby pictures of moi!
Well, okay, if you twist my paw.

Noel baby photo
Ain't I cute???
I was only about four months old here.
What Is That???
I was a curious little guy.
Noel baby photo

Cat in Hammock graphic
How True!!!

Cats are only human, they have their faults.

Kingsley Amis

In Memorium

Mats photo

Mats was my best friend, a soul-mate from the get-go. You know how sometimes you meet someone, and you know you were meant to be friends?  That was how it was between us.
RIP, my best buddy.

I only knew this guy for a while, and I was pretty young, but I remember him as a 'cool dude', unflappable, dignified...
funny how everyone says that made him more human than catly.  I think those are very catly attributes, and I am proud to have known him.
Morris photo

Puttin photo
This gal was the opposite of Morris, from what I understand, a dizzy blond, kinda flakey, but goodhearted and sweet-tempered. She started life as 'Dolly', but ended up as 'Puttin', 'cause she was a 'puny kitten' when she was little.
No matter what, she was well-loved.

Max photo
Max lived with us for a while.  He was the grumpiest, worst-dispositioned, most ungrateful wretch...
And those were his good qualities!
Just kidding.  He was grumpy, but in the last year of his life he moved out to the country and found happiness with a little ole' three-legged gal, and I kinda respect him now, looking back.
I'm sure you went to cat-heaven, buddy.

Special 'In Memorium':

Babes photo

A special tribute to this little lady...
Babes passed away at 11 years of age due to an illness. I am told she was
a very delicate and demure lady (a real AristoCat) and deeply loved by her
humans (well, of course). Behind her in this picture is the veranda she loved to
lounge on on hot summer days while her humans sat adoring her, sipping
cocktails.  She was a very special lady and even had her own antique
highchair to sit and watch her humans preparing meals (a great vantage
point to keep an eye out for falling food). At her home before this one she even
learned to scale the brick wall to her back balcony, a fact that can be attested
to by her humans' good friend.  She sounds like one talented feline! Babes
was born and lived for a while on a large estate in Hawkestone near Orillia,
but moved when she was very young to Midland Ontario.
RIP, Babes.

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You weren't going to leave, were you?
There's more, just follow this link... MORE of Noel's Friends

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Copyright 2000 - Donna's Regency Page
All rights reserved worldwide.
Updated - February 5th, 2002.
All 'Just a Thought' quotations are from
'Cat Talk' - Ariel Books - 1995

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