Bloody Roar 2 Bloopers 2 (Getting tired of seeing this title yet? Annoying isn't it? Muwahahaha!) Stun and Shenlong |
Shina: Hello fans! Well, I finally got the camera back from that nasty little hoe Jenny... I wanted to beat the $&!% out of her but Dad stopped me from... Long:::off screen:: Ahem! Shina: Oh yeah... anyways the next stories up for bloopers are Stun's and Shenlongs... Yeah, I know they're not a couple, but we ran out of couples. Good thing too. I was getting so sick off all the... Long:::off screen:: Jannu, my darling? The introduction? Shina: Yeah, I know! Anyways we're just going to show Stun and Shenlong's bloopers together because they're the last two left besides Busuzima... and we're still not sure about his story's bloopers... his may not be fit for viewing... not really need to say why, right? Afterall he's pulled off a lot of sick %$@& already, especially in this next scene... Stun:::off screen:: If only there were some way I could rid the world of that... that... Yugo:::off screen:: Perverted moron? Limp wristed bastard? Son of a bitch? Piece of #%$@? Mother %$#&ing... Long:::off screen:: That's just about enough Yugo! Shina: Anyways this could be our last installment... hope you guys enjoy it! Stun's Story ***** Stun: (My body won't last much longer… I need viagra to control the erection and stabilize my love for Busu...) Ahhh! NOOOO!!! WHO MESSED WITH MY SCRIPT?!?!?! ::Busuzima falls to the floor and rolls around laughing, Stun turns into his beast form and beats the crap out of Busuzima, finally crushing him into the ground:: Director: Now how am I gonna take money from him if you kill the guy? Someone bring in another clone! Cut! ***** Stun: (All I need are the hormones that any normal human possesses.) Kenji:::off screen:: Then why don't you eat Busuzima? He's got plenty of hormones... Stun: EW! Are you crazy!?! He probably tastes like... well... I don't really want to know. Everyone else: Me either! Director: Ten dollars to funding thanks to Kenji Ohgami! Cut! ***** Stun: (Did Busuzima send you after me?) Gado: What!?! Are you kidding? I don't take orders from anyone! Especially that limp wristed son of a... Stun: I was supposed to be thinking that, you weren't supposed to hear me. Gado: But you said it out loud. Director: Alan Gado! Do you ever go over your lines before appearing on stage!?! Gado:::winks at Jenny:: I was a little busy for that. Director: Ten dollars to funding! Review your lines Gado! Cut! ***** Stun: (I don't care. Nothing matters anymore. I have sinned against humanity. I'm tired of hiding, so if you're going to kill me, then kill me.) Long:::off screen:: Why does that remind me of my own lines? Stun: What? Do you mean to say that you want to die too? Long:::off screen, sympathetically:: Yes, I know how you feel. Stun: I feel so terrible that it was my research that lead to these horrible experiments! Long: I feel so horrible that I killed so many people! Stun:::walks over towards Long:: Oh Long, It is so nice to find someone who understands... Long:::walks towards Stun:: Oh Stephen! I couldn't agree more. ::They meet in the middle and give each other a big hug before bursting into tears:: Yugo:::off screen, O.O:: This is disturbing... Long:::separating himself from Stun:: We're just acting! Director: Hey! This is a fighting game, not a soap opera! Ten dollars to funding from each of you! ::Stun and Long snicker before going back to their places:: -.-0 Cut! ***** Stun: Ggrrr… (Oh yeah? How could someone like you ever know how I feel?! You're not Long!) Gado: That last part's not in the script is it? Stun: No... Director: Can't we just get over this suicidal companionship thing? Kenji:::off screen:: No we can't, because I was also as assassin and I want to die too! Long and Stun: Oh, Kenji! Kenji:::walks towards Long:: Oh, Long, Stun! Director: Oh no! Alice:::off screen, rushes over to them:: Hey, wait! If Yugo doesn't fall madly in love with me then I also want to die! Uriko:::off screen, gets up from her seat:: Back when Tylon kidnapped me and did experiments on me I wanted to die! Shenlong:::off screen:: Hey! I wanted to die first! Long:::off screen:: No you didn't! I wanted to die first and then you wanted to die you cheap copycat! Shina:::off screen:: You know, that's actually a very apporpriate expression for... Director: CUT!!!! ***** Alice: Hey, that hurt! Stun: It did? I'm terribly sorry... Alice: I'm only trying to help you. Stun: Really? Hey, you wouldn't be able to synthesize human hormones would you? Director: Twenty more dollars from your paycheck for that little stunt Stephen! Yugo:::off screen:: It's Stun, not stunt! Director: And ten more dollars from Yugo, cut! ***** Stun: Ugh… (Curse this body! It's starting to freeze up on me…) Uriko: Are you sure that wasn't my ice tech? Stun: No, it's just the way Busuzima screwed up my genes. Yugo:::off stage:: He did that while you had your jeans on!?! Stun: Shut up Yugo! Director: Ten dollars from both Uriko and Yugo. Cut! ***** Stun: (Yes, I am a monster… Unable to completely morph into a stripper or turn back into Busuzima's lapdancer.) Hey! ::Busuzima runs for his trailer:: I'm gonna electrocute you until death in an electric chair looks like static electricity! ::Busuzima reaches his trailer and closes the door, only to have Stun ram through it. Screams of pain are heard as the entire trailer flickers with electricity. Director: If only I could afford some better actors! Cut! ***** Uriko: C-Come on, fight me! Stun: (I should have stayed inside. I should have stayed inside the trailer and waited patiently for Busuzima's death.) Uriko: Yeah, you're right. Stun: What was I thinking? Why did I come out into the open without killing that hideous body of his? Director: No imporvising the lines Stephen! Ten more dollars to the film, cut! ***** Long: So, an insectoid zoanthrope. Are you with the Liberation Front? Stun: Ggg… growl… Long: Hey! I'm the tiger here! Insects aren't supposed to growl! Stun: It's in the script! Long: Lousy, good for nothing, son of a bitch, scriptwriter! ::glares at the scriptwriter:: Scriptwriter: I just thought it would be more dramatic that way! Director: Ten dollars from Long to the film's fund, cut! ***** Long: Oh? I sense intense hatred emanating from you… Gee, I wonder if it's just because I said you were with the Liberation Front and we got into a fight? What was my first clue? ::glares at the scriptwriter:: I'm not Yugo damn it! Scriptwriter: I was just trying to make you perceptive! Long: You call that perceptive? Yugo:::off screen:: What's perceptive? Long:::rolls his eyes and glances at the scriptwriter:: You see what I mean? Scriptwriter: I'll keep that in mind next time... Director: Ten dollars from Long and ten more from Yugo for that stupid comment, cut! ***** Long: I gave up on life once, but I can't die now! Come on! Let's mix it up! ::O.O takes his throwing knifes out of his sleeves and throws them at the scriptwriter, pining his sleeves to the table:: Let's mix it up!?! What were you thinking!?! Scriptwriter: Eep! P-please d-don't kill me! Director: Ten more dollars Long, now stick to the script! Long: I would if we had a competent scriptwriter! Director: Twenty dollars! ::Long stomps over to the scriptwriter, pulls his knives out of the table and aims them at the director:: Ahhh! Cut! ***** Stun: Ggrrr…! Long:::transforms into a tiger:: GGRRR-RRROOOOWER!!! Stun: Alright, alright, I admit that you can growl better than I can! Director: Will you two stop with the comedy act already? How funny does ten dollars of your pay going to the film's funding sound? Cut! ***** Jenny: I finally found you, Doctor Watson. Stun: I'm not Doctor Watson. Jenny: Someone altered my script! ::Yugo snickers:: Why, you little...! Director: Ten dollars! ::a man runs across the screen, he is chased by a boy in a bicycle carrying newspapers:: Boy on bike:::glares at the director:: You stole my line! Director: I said ten dollars, not two dollars! Somebody get them off the stage! Cut! ***** Jenny: I was quite surprised by what I learned. Imagine… Tylon's former star researcher using viagra. Stun: (Tylon used my research for creating viagra… Perhaps having to use it is my punishment.) Jenny: It doesn't matter to me. I am only here to deliver a message from Gado: "Hand over the viagra!" Gado:::off screen:: But my dear, you know from experience that I'm not old enough to actually need that stuff... Shina:::off screen:: yet... Director: I believe that's Jenny's first contribution to our funding... Cut! ***** Jenny: His message is: "It is foolish to lament the past while ignoring the present. Do what needs to be done today, or there will be no tomorrow. Don’t waste what time you have left." So now I have told you. Stun: (Humph. Arrogant Gado. Who does he think he is to talk like that?) Long:::off screen:: I don't know, but he sure says things like that a lot doesn't he? Gado:::off screen:: Only to the people who need to hear them. Shina:::off screen:: I am the great Alan Gado, ruler of all and dispenser of advice to those who are weak! Gado:::off screen:: Do I really come off that big-headed? Everyone else: Yes! Director: Alright! Ten dollars from everyone and ten more from Long, Alan, and Shina... ::they all clap their hands over their mouths:: and Cut! ***** Busuzima: Well, well. What do you want? Stun: To tear your #%@$ing head off! ::Jumps on top of Busuzima and punches him several times in the chest before squeezing his neck so hard that his head pops off and rolls around the floor:: Uriko: You know, I think he looks better that way... Director:::-.-000:: Ten more dollars Stun! Cut! ***** Busuzima: Oh, Bakuryu! Would you exterminate this overgrown grasshopper over here? Kenji: Hell no! Do it yourself you limp wristed bastard! Busuzima: What!?! You sorry little... Director: Alright! I finally get to cut money out of Busuzima's paycheck! Oh, and you too Kenji... cut! ***** Stun: (That medicine…) Busuzima: Yes, you know what this is. Stun: No! Anything but viagra! I'm going to kill you! ::Stun morphs into his beast form and throws Busuzima into the air, impaleing him on his horn when he comes back down. Everyone cheers for Stun:: Director: I have to agree, that was definately worth ten dollars... cut! ***** Shenlong: Such irritating noise. What is all this ruckus? Busuzima: It's him! The assassin who sold his soul to the acursed humans! Shenlong: No, it's your voice. You've got to have the most irritating voice I've ever heard! Busuzima: You didn't say that last night... Shenlong: Oh, that does it! ::Shenlong morphs into a tiger and scratches Busuzima until nothing is visible except blood:: Director: And now Shenlong donates to the film's funding too, ten more dollars! Cut! ***** Stephen: You can use all the puppets you want, but you can't hide from me. Uriko:::off screen as Busuzima:: W-wait! I have one more... Oh Pinocchio! ::everyone rolls over laughing except for Busuzima who storms into his trailer:: Director: I hope that was worth ten dollars to all of you! Cut! ***** Shenlong's Story ***** Uriko: Master, I'm so sorry… I should have continued training like you told me to. Long:::off screen:: I thought I told you to go out and fight. Uriko: You did, but it's in the script. Long:::off screen, glares at the scriptwriter:: Can't you even keep your own story straight? ::the scriptwriter cowers behind his desk:: Director: Maybe I should look for a new scriptwriter... cut! ***** Shenlong: You,.. Alice Nonomura. You once battled Tylon. Now you use that strength to stalk Yugo? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Alice: Yugo's not pathetic! He's really cool. Yugo:::off screen:: I think he was talking about you Alice... Long:::off screen:: Wow! Yugo actually thought! Of course he thought wrong, but what else can we expect? Yugo:::off screen:: Hey! Director: Shenlong, Yugo! Ten dollars each! Cut! ***** Alice: Mr. Long? Shenlong: No, damn it! Do I look like Long to... oh, wait a minute... ::everyone starts laughing:: Oops. Wrong expression. Director: Well I can tell the difference, ten dollars from Shenlong! Shenlong:::raises his hand and face towards heaven:: Thank you God! Director: Twenty from Shenlong, cut! ***** Shenlong: A worthless man-made zoanthrope. The very sight of you disgusts me. I will exterminate you. ::pulls out a can of insect spray and aims it at Stun:: Stun: Oh no, not Raid! Ahhh! ::Stun runs off the set and everyone else starts laughing:: Shenlong: All vermin must be exterminated! ::runs after him:: Director: I hope that was worth ten dollars Shenlong! Cut! ***** Shenlong: Silence, fool! How dare you speak to me in that manner! You shall pay for your transgression with your life! Shina: What!?! I thought you said you took Visa? Shenlong: Oh yeah, I forgot... Director: And how much am I gonna have to charge before you shut up!?! Shenlong: That is exactly my problem, if I don't get paid from this acting job then I might as well charge anyone who says something rude to me. Director: Thirty dollars for your insolence Shenlong! Cut! ***** Yugo: So you're the boss! You're dope! You are the man, the bomb, the $&!%, the... Shenlong: What? Director: Oh why did I ever hire Yugo? Twenty more dollars from his check and it will cease to exist! Cut! ***** Shenlong: Such energy. Such vitality. Such stupidity. Such a horrible scriptwriter! ::glares at the scriptwriter who hides behind his desk:: Director: Are you done yet? Shenlong: No! Such idiocracy. Such foolishness. Such a twit. Such a big mouth... Director: Cut! Ten more dollars from Shenlong! ***** Yugo: I'm not like you. Long is like you, you're his clone... Long:::off screen:: Are you trying to imply something with that statement? Yugo: How can I do that if I don't even know what the word means? Long:::off screen, -.-000:: Never mind. Shenlong: You are such an idiot, Yugo! Do you really thing that I don't know that I'm Long's clone!?! Do you have any idea how many people have called me Long today? Yugo: Well, as long as they're not calling you short... Director: I really ought to take away twenty dollars for this, but I think I'll prolong Yugo's suffering... Yugo: What was that about me and Long? Director: You'd better watch that mouth Yugo! Ten more dollars and you won't be paid at all for your horrible performance! Cut! ***** Yugo: I'm not like you. And you don't know anything about justice! You only cause suffering. You disgust me. You confuse me. You annoy me. You surprise me. You... Shenlong: Yugo! Yugo: No, I was about to say... Director: If you don't shut up I am about to say you're fired! ::Yugo claps on hand over his mouth:: There goes your check Yugo... this is the last ten dollars from it. Yugo: Noooo! Director: Now what am I going to do to get him to shut up? Cut! ***** Shenlong: Busuzima, lately you act as if you have forgotten your place. Busuzima: You mean this place? ::he kneels in front of Shenlong so that his face is at the same height as Shenlong's crotch and starts making licking noises. Shenlong winces and backs away, continuing his lines while trying to ignore Busuzima:: Shenlong: What on earth do you think you're doing? Don't take that attitude with me! Are you trying to make me angry? Busuzima: Yes, you look sooo cute when you're mad. Shenlong: What are you really doing here? Busuzima: Looking for a little lovin' tonight! Shenlong:::angrilly throws his script to the ground:: How am I expected to work with such imbeciles!?! Busuzima: Like this... ::thrusts his hips back and forth:: Shenlong: Director? May I please kill this digusting, perverted clone? Director: Go ahead, I'll just order another one. They are all such nuisances that I don't think I'm going to pay any of them for this... ::Shenlong laughes evilly and glares at the clone:: Cut! ***** Busuzima: I never jest! In fact, I have a little story you might want to hear. Once upon a time, Tylon had in its employ an assassin named Long. Then a genius named Busuzima took a cell from Long, said the magic words and -- viola! The leader of the Zoanthrope Liberation Front was born! You're a clone of Long! Not a short clone, but a Long clone! Get it? Hardy har har! Long:::off screen, glaring at Busuzima:: You know, I really should beat the crap out of him for that. Shina:::off screen:: For the joke he just made or for cloning you? Long:::off screen:: Both. Shenlong: What about me? Did anyone ever ask me if I wanted to come into existance as a clone of someone else? NO! Do you people think that I'm not angry at Busuzima for this!?! ::A stunned silence covers the set:: Director: I believe this one was all Long's fault... Long: I never should have become an assassin. Director: Twenty dollars Long! CUT! ***** Shenlong: Silence! You are trying to confuse me. Gado: You are the one who's confused. No one is to blame. Shenlong: What do you mean no one is to blame? I thought we just decided it was all Long's fault. Long:::off screen:: It is not my fault that the limp-wristed bastard... Shenlong: Yes... ::glaring at Busuzima:: Long:::off screen, also glaring at Busuzima::'s you're fault! Busuzima: Uh oh... ::they both take their beast forms and stalk over to Busuzima:: Shina::: off screen:: What's worse than one angry tiger on your tail? Two angry tigers... Director: CUT! ***** Shenlong: You must be Long… Yes, I knew… you would be… Long: ...bringing Uriko here to kick your @$$? Uriko:::off screen:: Yeah, that's right! I'll make you wish you'd never been bor... er... cloned! Shenlong: I already wish that! Uriko:::off screen:: Oh? Well I guess I'll just beat you up then. Director: Ten dollars Long, cut! ***** Shenlong: You must be Long… Yes, I knew… you would be… Long: ...coming here to kick the crap out of Busuzima? Shenlong: Sounds good, but that's not what I was thinking. Long: No? How about giving up my life as a hermit? Shenlong: No. Long: Falling in love with Shina? Shenlong: No, I didn't know that. Shina:::off screen:: What did you just say Long? Gado:::off screen:: That had better be a joke! Long: Oops. Director: Another fine example of the reason why people should stick to their lines! Twenty dollars Long! CUT! ***** Long: Why do you hesitate? Shenlong: You say you are weaker because a part of you makes you weak. Is that just your sorry excuse for being a pathetic fighter? Long: You know, clones are never quite as good as the original so... Director: Break it up you two, let's finish this! Long and Shenlong: I'll finish you! ::they both glare at him:: Director: Er... ::hides behind the camera man while Long and Shenlong walk up to him:: ten dollars... cut! ***** |
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