Personal Web Site
Name                   :    Reischaga MOHAJIT
Date of birth         :    12 February 1998 in Bandung - Indonesia
Parent                  :   
Dr.-Ing. Ir. MOHAJIT, MSc. / Ir. Dzuli Sriadiana Sabianti
Education             :    Evangelische Kindergarten, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2002-2003;
                                Schwimmschule-Weiss, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2003
Championship       :    Kinder Baden-Marathon, Karlsruhe Germany, 2003
Membership         :    Stadtkinderbibliothek Karlsruhe, Germany
E-mail                 :

Travel experience
Bogor, Jakarta, Pangandaran, Pengalengan (Indonesia); Kuala Lumpur, Batu Pahat, Johor Bahru, Malaka, Muar (Malaysia); Singapore; Frankfurt, Schwaebisch Hall, Karlsruhe, Wurzburg, Stuttgart, Hannover, Berlin, Heidelberg, Sinsheim, Cologne, Gunzburg-Legoland, Ulm (Germany); Amsterdam, Delft, the Hague (the Netherlands).

Personal character
Resourceful and intelligent, a very gifted person with high IQ he can learn and absorb things very fast. A gifted organizer, what ever he does he always achieves a great deal more than the others. He also possesses the quality of leadership, in most case he is the winner, occasional setback never deter his achievement. He is proud of himself and he knows that he can be successful. However, watch out for people who has green eye, who might try to hinder his achievement.
          His first name of Reischaga has created a deep, sensitive, refined nature with an intelligent mind and a keen appreciation of material values. He enjoys all the finer things in life that a good standard of living allows. He has good business judgement and would do well in a managerial position, as he has executive ability. He works best in an independent capacity, where he is able to think problems out carefully before he acts. His sensitivity and reserve prevent people from coming close in friendship. There is always an aloofness and reserve that acts as a barrier and prevents any close ties. He lives much within his own thoughts, and seek relaxation away from people, out in nature, where he can ease the tensions of his life. He finds it difficult to express his true feelings, whether it be affection, appreciation, or tenderness, which play such an important part in creating a close bond within the family. Any weakness in helath would show in the respiratory system or generative organs.

Photo Gallery
Photo gallery consists of some small size pictures 320x240 PhotoSuite Image, which can be downloaded within a few second. The image was produced by scanning photo print of 35 mm Camera-Nikon 401x or by compressing jpg file of 5 Mega Pixel Digital Camera Casio QV5700

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