The Anti-Braga League

An elite force of dedicated fans with one thing in common…the disgust and hatred they feel toward Braga






                                                                                                                                                     (Doesn’t Brannon Braga just remind you of someone  sometimes…not quite sure who though)




Basically I run this site because I believe Brannon Braga is evil, or at the very least incredibly stupid. I am of course referring to the last few seasons of Star Trek: Voyager and the whole horrific C/7 fiasco. Since he (pretty much) has creative control of the series, he is to blame (other people are of course also to blame and I will be hunting them down with an axe in the coming months)

I know there are many people out there who don’t share my opinion but for those of you that do here’s the place to be!





Sites that are members of the Anti-Braga League



Capture the Moon


The peanut gallery

They only come out at night



Want to be a member of the anti-braga league? E-mail me  and put this banner on your 








The small print- disclaimer- I don’t hate braga and wish to violently murder him using sharp objects really *smiles innocently*