Rat bikes have been around for a long time and Rat trikes are
just a natural progression. They give the builder more scope to
produce a really disgusting, 'individual', vehicle.

The U.K. custom magazine Back Street Hero's first published
pictures of a 'survival bike' and they soon became popular as
a tough, scary, no nonsense every day bike. Over the last ten
years survival trikes have evolved in a similar way to rat-trikes.
Dave's Austin Metro Rat.
Impressive front end on Ford Pinto trike.
Camo straight six Rover.
     ^                      Matt Black 2.3 V6.  >
Nice white/black stripes for those
            winter invasions.
Reliant Rat with Rugrat.
Quite a famous trike in the UK rally
scene. It has plastic spiders, flies and
              rats glued all over.
Heavy duty Matt black
Some rats from the 77T.A.M.C.C.. site.
Dnpr Rat  ^     >
Mad Max Who?
Picture from
Mr Bike M/Cycles