Last Updated: May 7th, 2008

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Homepage for PSP Users
(New) Random Rants
May 7th, 2008
I've been thinking about switching sites for a while and creating a website dedicated to a few of my favorite things including RMXP, Emulation, PSP, PS3, etc.  I have a small collection of reviews I've created for PSP games and other information that I think would be worth sharing.  I'm not sure if that will mean a small overhaul here for a while, or just a complete switch to a whole new site and a whole new system.  I don't get the bandwidth here that I need, so I may just have to switch. 

More news on this later today or within the week at the latest.

January 8th, 2008
My newest RMXP script, GaveUpSingle 1.13 Final has been finished and uploaded on the RPG Maker XP page to the left.  It is the final release of my script and I am very happy with the end results.  If you don't have RMXP and want to try the release out, don't worry...a new Stand-Alone version will be released in time.  My website is now completey updated except for my Music CDs.

December 26th, 2007
I updated a few pages here, but still need to update my PSP games, movies, and Music lists.  I'll get around to this at some point.  A version of my 1.12 RMXP script should be uploaded soon and a final version will hopefully come out within a few days.  For the most up to date news on me, check my gamestop blog (link located to the bottom right of this page).

June 27th, 2007
Going through the process of updating my music, games, and website as a whole.  Also working on a new version of my RMXP menu script (1.12) to be released soon.