Last Updated: May 7th, 2008 |
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Game News: Jaunary 8th, 2008 Added two new pages for my GBA games and Nintendo DS Lite games, links to the right. I also updated my PS3 games list, which was out of date by a few games. My Gamespot profile will always be up to date with my games. The link can be found on my main page. April 7th, 2007 Added a 'seconds list' to my 'Random Rants' page, which is a list of games that I want but aren't as high in priority as the list of games below. A couple of the games like Burnout Dominator, Call of Duty, and a few others I'd really like to have, but I am waiting for the right prices. Prices I am willing to pay are listed with the games. March 1st, 2007 My complete want list is shown below. Basically, after I have the rest of these games, I really won't be buying anymore games. Pretty amazing :P Some I may pass on though, depending on how they are rated... : February 20th, 2007 Updated my game lists and removed a bunch of games that I really don't need from my want list. There is only a total of eight games out that I want now, three on PSP, one on PS1, and four on PS2. There are another eight on PSP that I want eventually, and maybe more as time goes on, but as for other systems, I have what I have once I get the games on my wish list :) There will be no "next generation" consoles for me as well, so once PSP games stop coming out, chances are I'll stop buying games all together. I have enough as it is, so its really no big deal! January 16th, 2007 Over the past few days, I've bought some new games: Crash Bandicoot 2 for PS1, Lego Star Wars II for PSP, Field Commander for PSP, Grandia 2 for the PS2, and Musashi: Samurai Legend for the PS2. |