improved Emmanuel's homepage
Welcome to the new
portal.If you are experiencing problems with the loading of this site,please
visit my mirror site at
This site hosts some odd but nevertheless
tasteful stuff-poetry,religious articles and some computer tips. It even has
some downloads that you might be interested enough to check out!
This website is NOT a commercial website. It
is simply a more enhanced version of my old personal website.
Thank you for surfing by.Please bookmark this
site, as I constantly upgrade it.And I do mean constant.
OK ,if this is your first time here in my site
and you feel a little lost, don't worry, help is here. Just added this
"Website for Dummies" column...not that you are a dummy ...:P
that was just to get your attention. First, please look to your LEFT(If you
don't know where that is, please refer to finger below), where you will find a
long list of links .Well, that is called a menu, and if you don't know what a
menu is, please click here. You should see a picture of a
menu.Now back to the site.Please browse around and do feel free to download
stuff for your PC( The MIDI files make excellent Windows background sound).
Since I am facing a lack of space, please be so kind as to refer to
should you want to download the Mortal Kombat game after admiring it in this
site.I seriously am facing a lack of space now:)
Please remember to sign my guestbook
and oh yeah here's an extra addition to the site
(posted 27/07/01 05:18:18
) Reflection on the Water
This is LEFT
the way you are being charged for the use of this site.Your meter starts
now.Just kidding.Or am I?Note:Please sign my guestbook and try hovering your
mouse over the meter, and on the links.If you like it, please let me know. |