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Theand improved Emmanuel's homepage

Welcome to the new http://supercrab.cjb.net portal.If you are experiencing problems with the loading of this site,please visit my mirror site at www.oocities.org/religious_poet/index.htm .

This site hosts some odd but nevertheless tasteful stuff-poetry,religious articles and some computer tips. It even has some downloads that you might be interested enough to check out!

This website is NOT a commercial website. It is simply a more enhanced version of my old personal website.

Thank you for surfing by.Please bookmark this site, as I constantly upgrade it.And I do mean constant.


OK ,if this is your first time here in my site and you feel a little lost, don't worry, help is here. Just added this "Website for Dummies" column...not that you are a dummy ...:P

Hello...OK that was just to get your attention. First, please look to your LEFT(If you don't know where that is, please refer to finger below), where you will find a long list of links .Well, that is called a menu, and if you don't know what a menu is, please click here. You should see a picture of a menu.Now back to the site.Please browse around and do feel free to download stuff for your PC( The MIDI files make excellent Windows background sound). Since I am facing a lack of space, please be so kind as to refer to http://mkwarriors.net should you want to download the Mortal Kombat game after admiring it in this site.I seriously am facing a lack of space now:)

Please remember to sign my guestbook

and oh yeah here's an extra addition to the site (posted 27/07/01 05:18:18 ) Reflection on the Water


This is LEFT

Hit Counter

Thank you for taking the time to drop by my humble website .......enjoy and do sign my guestbook! k



By the way you are being charged for the use of this site.Your meter starts now.Just kidding.Or am I?Note:Please sign my guestbook and try hovering your mouse over the meter, and on the links.If you like it, please let me know.

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