Bill & Terri VanCooney
Homes or Apartments - Buying or Renting
We are not realtors . . . our only interest is you! We will find out what your budget is and what you want, and that is what we will find. We will personally inspect homes and apartments. You will  receive an indepth description of the surrounding area including photos. It will be like you are here already.
Schools - If education is important, we will get the pertinent information needed about your kids or yourselves, and do an indepth analysis of the schools in the areas you are interested in relocating to.
Employment - We are not an employment agency...BUT, with over 30 yrs in the printing industry, we will design and typeset a resume that is sure to impress any business. We will even fax and/or email or resume to prospective employers.  We will keep you informed of all employers we contact, as they will be contacting you directly.
Shopping & Recreation - Let us know what your favorite shopping places are and what you enjoy doing for recreation. We will send you a list of places to go and things to do. Whether Walmart or Saks, it's all here. SPORTS...Arizona has major teams in basketball, baseball, hocky, arena football, and NFL football. There is always something fun and exciting happening in Phoenix and surrounding areas.
Contact Info
Let us be your eyes - Internet web sites show only what THEY want you to see. We will show and tell you the truth about Arizona and areas you may be interested in. Your satisfaction, helps our business grow.