"Tails of the Patriarchy" The Banned Collection by Foozler Poet-in-Residence L. Bowie Patches "Not exactly butterflys and flowers" -- Art Thrasher, critic |
Poet's Corner: All the Stuff You'll Never Hear on Campus |
"Oh No, Must Be The Season of the Witch" Donovan, 1966 |
Sight Unseen |
Cultural Issues Minus the Spin |
So, bro, how's that floor-licking and butt-whupping working out for you? How you liking the daily taste of the pine and the lash? No problem? Everything's fine? Just click elsewhere then. Plenty of sites will tell you what you want to hear. On the other hand, if you want your Root back, you must go down and reclaim it. You're gonna have to get pissed, busy, and downright crazy by current standards -- and current standards in Psycho-America are sky-low. You will be required to stop bowing and scraping, you will be required to stop nodding at bullshit, you will be required to walk through hell, and you will be required to EVOLVE. Euclid, Descartes and Newton will not save you. Junior Bush, the CEO of Bechtel, and the Assembled Governors of the Western States will not save you. These are your keepers, you are their slave. The Old King is dead. He just doesn't know it yet. He will, though. Soon. Mom won't save you either. Mom's agenda is full. She just cut you off in her SUV and flipped you the bird. Rationalism, objective fairness, and social subservience are no longer defenses against Big Mama. You will end up lard for her Easybake Oven, and you will be mocked -- and properly so -- as they slide you into the furnace. Brothers, your freedom will not arise from government. Your freedom will not arise from science, nor from technology. Your freedom will not be channeled through aliens or profiteering "prophets." Gauzy, effeminate angels won't nestle the Millennium in your laps. CNN will not televise the Jubilee, and Jeremiah Tower won't cater it. Neither preacher nor paperboy will drop your chains on the front porch. War is being waged on you, and on your sons. You hope it will disappear. It will not. YOU will disappear. You will be beaten until you revolt -- non-violently but certainly, to the ultimate penny of your Spirit and Being. When the last scapegoat is free, you will be free, and not an instant sooner. You ARE the last scapegoat, dood. You always were. Heaven is a group project. Nobody gets in until everybody gets in. 'Ain't it a bitch? When American men get off their knees and break their shackles, all over Creation the clocks will stop. Trumpets, wedding bells, then CRACK! and CRASH! down fall the towers of the Powers! What are you waiting for, Senor? Foozler "sage" Obi wan Aboinker August 2001 |
Pharaoh spins the message round and round the truth John Fogerty |
Off With Their Heads!! The "Man Shortage" Wotan's Coming Flying Foozle Femonema Justice by Flying Monkey |
All material on this site, except that borrowed from outside sources, may be reproduced without permission. |