Joni Dourif -
President, PSI TECH, Inc.
Creator of Technical Remote Viewing
Video Courses

Jonina Dourif was one of the first civilians trained in CRV technology. She had been the subject of PSI research and precognition most of her life. For many years, Joni worked in the field of psychotherapy, specializing in Jungian clinical Psychology. Carl Jung's model of the human psyche matched and supported the idea of humans possessing these natural innate psi abilities.

Joni was asked to commercialize PSI TECH and Technical Remote Viewing for the civilian sector in 1993. She became the Vice President of PSI TECH and immediately moved the company from New Mexico to Beverly Hills, California. She opened the Professional Development Course (in-house TRV training) and and taught a highly successful 10 day course for 6 years.

In 1996, Joni Dourif created the first Remote Viewing training tapes to provide the public at large with specialized training. The tapes were filmed by an Oscar nominee and it was reported that PSI TECH sold almost one million dollars of remote viewing tapes on the first night they were announced on a national radio show. Subsequently, the company ended up in a lawsuit with a former tape distributor who wanted to repossess and own the products. After four years of legal litigation PSI TECH was ordered by the court to pay the plaintiff $450,000. At this time, Edward Dames who was then President of PSI TECH resigned and left Joni with the company and the company debt. Joni took over the helm as President, settled the court order, and later Dames' shares were sold and purchased by Dane Spotts, former president of Zygon International. Dane became PSI TECH's CEO and has made the company more successful. The company is the first remote viewing operation to actively advertise, promoting TRV in national media. PSI TECH's publishes bi-monthly TRV newsletters and weekly e-zines and they have an active chat room and several bulletin boards. Spotts and Dourif report that they are building a psi research center and a distance learning college.


Website: PSI TECH, Inc.


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