1999 Visuals - Click Here

The Year of the Loons
Drank rum and cokes all weekend
from raging bull sipping straw apparatus.
Quote: "Dave once told me that Janelle had nice breasts; isn't that the
same thing?" ( yes, he was referring to you)
Dave reply: i'd like a bit more context.  about dan's recollection of my
aesthetic license assessing his ex-wife.
Jeff B:
Came in from the deserted.  Brought plenty of camping gear.
Seemed to have lost a degree of fire caution by coaxing any and all
takers to walk and stand in the fire for digital photos.
Quote: "could you stand in there again, I did'nt get it"
Record tasty fish catch of last year could not be repeated.  Used Five
different rods in valiant effort.  Everyone else caught big musky's.
Proved that Dodge Durango 4WD with leather seats and boat on top
performs better on rocky trails than strip-down economy version.
Handled porn finder queries of local Eagle River residents with aplomb.
Quote to local grocery clerk:"Do you know where can I find a copy of
NOTE: Bill objects to my use of artistic license and its impact on the
veracity of some of last years info.  I will leave it up to your
judgement if you deem it believable enough (based on historic
perspective) for forwarding without longstanding enmity from the other
Dave reply:  i strongly disagree with billy- take as much
license as you want.
Recorded traditional burn injury of the trip (see earlier entry ).
Revived from trance by cueing of Farewell to Kings at 1 am and then performed
butt dance in front of Brian. 99' drinking award winner.  Brought new
canoe and pepper.
Quote:"I think I got a second wind"
Tom Nelson:
Unable to recover from repeated anxiety provoking incidents including
Bill's triggering of Durango alarm system with key fob and the
revealing of Tom's intolerance to people of color.  Provided
encouragement to Brian who repeatedly mentioned he felt much better
about himself when hearing Tom's stories.  Completed trip without a
single medical incident.  99' funniest man.
Didn't bring delicious rack of ribs as promised.  Came thru on Butt Lust
magazine promise, however.  Rushed back to Milwaukee to rent "Bound"
from Blockbuster; apparently it has a good plot if you fast forward
through the lesbian sex scenes.
Quote:"Thats the dumbest thing I ever saw" (see Karbo entry )
Unable to keep 'all-vinyl' tune night going during first night in
Gleason despite broadening of musical tastes with Flatt & Scruggs,
Gospel Bluegrass, Dylan and Mrs. Jones.  Won the sheepshead tournament.
Cancelled out of the trip due to 2 month old at home (Riley Jakob).
Pat and Sean:
Cancelled out of trip for unsubstantiated work related issues?
Thats it.
1999 Pics