Remy's Air Force Page
     more stuff to come
Here are photos of my early days  until completion of Primary pilot training in the USAF.

Lubo came out to visit Edwards to see me.  Here are a few photos of him, jets, Jerry and I at the base in 99-2000.
Lubo liked the hot US jets and got to see the NASA museum at EDAFB and also flew over SW USA for quite a tour! Lt Lubo Slavov from the Bulgarian AF Academy flew his T-37 from Laughlin to visit me at EDAFB.

Jerry Sanchez and I flew a dogfight 1 on 1 sortie, I think he got a little sick. 

Here we try to act all cool and stuff like in Top Gun.  But we don't get paid nearly as much as Tom Cruise.

The T-38 is a supersonic jet trainer and is used for Test Pilot School at EDAFB.

Prior to every flight you must make sure you have proper oxygen flow, the last thing you want to find out at 1000mph is that you can't breathe.
The Orange F-16s are used as chase planes to test aircaft so as to not get hit while flying close chase.

G suits and helmets in the ready room. 
G suits fit tight as to keep blood in your head so you dont  black out so fast in a tight turn.

I worked as liasion to Plant 42 Skunkworks in Palmdale for a dinner party fundraiser, lotsa bigshots there.

Here is another cool fisheye shot of the party.  I took as many photos as I could!!!

We refueled an Edwards Stealth fighter, B-1, F-15 and F-22 all in an hour! that's a lot of gas!!!!!

AFROTC officer cadet training.  Westover II 97. Boot camp? so so, waking up early really sucked. 

I started to like this stuff when I was young. 

For our Civil Air Patrol (age 14-18) we learned military stuff but also got to fly a little and visit local hangers at El Toro MCAS. 

We needed water survival gear for the F-15, cumbersome but lifesaving.  Did I ever get my shark repellant????




"Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be.  Be one"
:Marcus Aurelius

Remy1492 at       Created 11-12-98 updated Jan 02 2004