
Welcome to my page on my Bulgaria visits.  I have been to Bulgaria several times and stayed for over a month each visit.  I am learning Bulgarian in my free time and enjoy the country very much.  For a history major I find it very interesting in studying pre and post communist events.  The country is still very backward but that does not detract from its peculiar and beautiful offerings.

you can find more of my Bulgarian pages at oocities.com/tankhunter88

Mig 23 at Dobroslavtsi airbase outside Sofia.

Nice Green cockpit huh?

Metropolis DJs rocking Techno hard!

Stanislav at the Embassy

Zagorka? No Amber Ales here.

Got some 70s Tochki camo.
Inside metropolis in Plovdiv Plovdiv after a night of fun

Outside the Dentists office in the snow, FREEZING!

At the Marine barracks, still pretty cold outside

On Vitoshka blvd new years day

Summer at Dobroslavtsi, REAL hot out there!

visited the Guards and MP buildings.
Got a neat tour.  Pretty and classy uniforms with rare feathers.

Lubo horsing around at the BG AF Academy.  Which no longer exists.