New Version  for 2003!  Build 0.1 Feb. 08, 2003



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Curriculum & Instruction



RFSD Homepage


Opening Statement

Wecome to rennesiance. My version of the school homepage is different. If you look at the orginal homepage, you see how plain the technolegies 2 years old. Most new webpages are done in flash. The current school page is informable but very un. What the school doesn't put on there is no valuable information like mid term grades. Chris Crow (the person currently processing the homepage right now.)doesn't even include calender updates. I always thought that a good webpage had to have school events which River Falls webpages already has, defeating the purpose of this schools. So I made my own. They should have a link to all the webpages made in tech class. Most of them are on the server. I should think that all the newsletters that goes out to parents are private but I think there should be a newsletter. Maybe that show them what a above average school looks like.

 © 2002, 2003 Renniance Academy | Carried by a Legion of Students who want to update the webpage and think that the school webpage is a halfcrap job of displaying what they want.