Welcome to my
multie purpose Homepage!   
This will be under heavy constuction for a while    

                   If you are wanting to help please contact me                               
YO,I am the Reno the greatest Age Of Empires player ever and will back it up anytime. I am gonna put alot of cool stuff that has AOE stuff in it and AoK but thats gonna take alot of time and time is somthing a important guy like me doesn't have so don't get anxious on me to put out. Well all you need to know is in my castle so go there
WG World Wide
I also host the place to come to for info on games.  All games video or "real" like basketball and baseball it is all here.
He Guys guess what I have started a great job on my DBZ and AOE page so you can only guess whats next hehe

Basically I am going for the bigest and best page
I like to meet new people in the GeoCities chat rooms.

Meet the
Community Leaders in my neighborhood.  They're a lot of fun.
For all you DBZ freaks guess what i am crazier than all off ya combined MUHAHAHAHA so check it out. You might like it or whatever.
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