Prologue for opening a Net:

CQ CQ CQ. This is (your call sign), net control for the Rensselaer County Amateur Radio Emergency Services Net.  This net operates on the amateur radio repeater frequency of 146.76 Mhz as permitted by the Federal Communications Commission.  The purpose of this net is to provide information and training to ARES members.  Third party traffic will be passed upon request.  All stations wishing to participate in this net should call net control at this time, OVER.

Order of Net Business:

  1. Take check-ins.

  2. Appoint Assistant NCS.

  3. List current check-ins for Assistant NCS.

  4. Route/Pass listed traffic.

  5. Ask for / pass ARES Training message.

Reports from:

Epilogue for closing the Net:

This is (your call sign), Net Control for the Rensselaer County ARES Net.  This net meets each Wednesday evening, except for the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM local time.   This net is secure at ---- minutes past the hour.  (Your Call Sign) is now clear and returns the repeaters to general amateur use.  OUT.

Stations serving as net control will submit a report to the Net Manager.

This report will contain:

  1. Date and time of the net.

  2. Call sign of Net Control.

  3. Call signs of all stations checking in.

  4. Number of pieces of third party traffic passed.

  5. Any other information relating to this particular net which should be kept for the record.