Antennas are near and dear to every amateur radio operators heart.  Rensselaer County RACES operators are no exception.  After all, a properly selected antenna is critical for effective radio communications.  Herewith are several links to useful antenna pages.  Note the slick feed point design on the "plumber's delight" copper j-pole on the Sedan web page.

Copper J-Pole, an omnidirectional end fed dipole antenna, made from ordinary copper pipe, for fixed station use.  

Roll-up J-pole for portable use.  This antenna is made from TV twin lead, can be rolled up into a small package and kept in your HT go kit.  Useful for those time when you are noisy into the repeater.  It will tape to a window nicely.  Works good too.

Quaggi Beam, for fixed station use in poor reception areas.  This antenna is built from nothing but copper house wire, a broom stick or closet pole, and a yard stick.  Web page comming soon.  In the meantime, look in the VHF antenna section of any recent ARRL handbook.