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1) My star sign is... a) Capricorn. b) Virgo. c) Aquarius. d) Other. 2) Brendan Nelson is... a) The Minister for Education. b) The member for my electorate. c) My best friend. d) The HIH directors of public education. 3) What is your middle name? a) Brendan Nelson. b) Jerk. c) Prince Igor. d) None of the above. 4) Which category best describes your secondary education? a) A private school. b) A GPS school. c) Sydney High. d) A government school. 5) If I had only one food that I could eat, it would be... a) Sushi. b) Thai. c) I live on Sushi AND Thai. d) I am a jerk. 6) Is your name or nickname: Benn, Ross Yabesley, Alex/Claire Gibson, Jerk boy, Abbott Slee, Kim Copple, Cam Bala, Brendan Nelson, Jerk Jerk or Barry Dubovsky? a) Yes. b) No. c) No, I am a girl. d) None of the above. 7) Which of the following would you most prefer to do? a) Sleep with your best friend's girlfriend/boyfriend. b) Sleep with either Nick Kelly or Schumacher (depending on your sexual orientation). c) Spend over 17 hours in a coffee shop with your mates. d) Do my "law readings." 8) Which comment best describes your opinion of the musical, RENT? a) La vie Boheme b) RENT IS life!! c) RENT is full of AIDs infected bohemians - I love it! d) I quit, I am a jerk! 9) Do you play a musical instrument? a) Yes, I play flute. b) Yes, I play a string instrument. c) Yes. d) Ahhh...I think so...I play percussion... 10) It's 2am, you're at a party and you *just* missed the last bus home. Some dubious character by the name of "Nick Kelly" (not the one from SBHS) offers you a lift home. You have heard stories about this "Nick Kelly" character and how he's on many drugs. A Cab home will cost $30.What do you do? a) Light a cigarette and accept a lift to the nearest train station. b) Accept his lift, but only after asking him if he'd had anything to drink that night. c) Call a Cab. d) Take off your high-heels and start to walk home because you have no money (from Strathfield to Bronte) |
This is like one of those quizes you find in Cosmo - not that I've ever read that. Get out a pen and right down your answers! N.B. rent_is_life does not necessarily support the opinions of this quiz. |
ANSWERS: A B C D 1) 4, 0, 0, 0 2) 3, 2, 4, 0 3) 2, 3, 1, 0 4) 4, 3,-1, 0 5) 0, 0, 3, 4 6) 4, 0, 0, 1 7) 5, 3, 2, 4 8) 0, 0, 0, 4 9) 1, 0, 1, 4 10)4, 4, 0, 0 WHAT IS YOUR SCORE?? 1-5: You have scored the lowest score in the Jerk test.Your name is possibly Luisa Lyons or Rosie Southwood. You are not ostentatious and despite your obviously talented nature, you are quite modest. You enjoy doing volunteer work, and take pleasure in helping others. You look past peoples' faults and concentrate on their attributes. You do not judge people for being jerks. You are one of a kind. You are what we mortals refer to as "Dream girl" or "Dream boy." 6-10: You do your best not to be a jerk, but sometimes you display "jerk-like" qualities. You are generally a top bloke. 11-20: You are in jerk-neutral territory. 21-30: You are quite a jerk. There is a good chance that you had the time to write some sort of "personality" quiz, claiming to "be in the know." 30+: You are such a jerk, that you can be spotted from a long way away. You probably wear Ralph Lauren polo shirts with your collar up. There is also a good chance that you're a full-fee payer at Sydney Uni. You probably study law. Your name is possibly "John Howard's Son." (In that case, your middle name would be "Howard's.") Your favourite past-time is smoking pot and you enjoy smoking the occasional cinnamon stick like a bong. |