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Some of our more avid fans may noticed that it's been over a month since I've added something new to this web site.
  So you may ask, "Does he have exams again?" Well, no. Rather, there is a girl at work, "Rana", who pisses me off to no end and I have been motivated by the thought of being able to write another derogatory web page. So here it is.

Rana is a “fully sick” wog who works with me at an undisclosed clothes store in a secret location. Amongst many things; Rana is a blatant racist, she frequently wears fishnet tops, has extremely poor taste in music and finds hairy guys attractive. She also confuses the plural of the 2nd person pronoun, “you” with “youz”.

Rana graduated from Glebe High School in 2002. Another reason why we should all support the public education system; public schools are willing to take any retard off the streets. She has no plans to enroll in tertiary education and is working at this store full time.

So you may still be asking, but WHY is she such a bitch? Well don't ask me, but she must be displacing her unhappy childhood onto us. Here is how she is a bitch.

PAT T informs DAVID that RANA bought one of the new jackets that our store brought in. Later, DAVID attempts to be friendly to RANA.

DAVID: I like some of the new girls stock in we got in.
(Pointing at a Jacket purhased by RANA) I really like this jacket!
RANA: Yeah.


RANA never smiles at DAVID nor PAT T. And I mean never. She also has these weird convulsions sometimes. Here’s an example.

The phone rings. It’s Penny checking up on how we are doing on a Sunday. RANA begins to convulse as if she is in a personality transition. She begins talking on the phone to Penny and all of a sudden she is cheery. The conversation ends and RANA begins to convulse again. RANA, the bitch is back.


PENNY our [assistant] manager during training:

PENNY: I don’t want you guys standing around the counter. Customers are intimidated if you do that.

A day later…RANA is working with us and Penny is not there.

RANA: I don’t want youz guy standing around the counter.

Later that day…

RANA proceeds to boss DAVID and PAT T around while standing at the counter, munching on her snacks. A little while later she makes her way to one of our many full-length mirrors and checks if anything is stuck in her teeth.


Rana has a burning desire to impress our [Assistant] Manager, Penny. The most material way of achieving this is through hitting our store target. The way to hit target is by providing good customer service.

The next scene occurred at our most busy point in time on Sunday. DAVID and PAT T (and possibly RANA) are inundated with completing customer requests. They are performing multiple tasks for multiple customers.

RANA is at the counter.

(to DAVID) Could you please change the track?
(I’m bloody busy, it’s your stupid music anyway and it all sounds the same to me.)

DAVID walks towards the back room (where the music controls are). On his way, a customer walks out of the change room and dumps a pile of clothing on him. DAVID walks back towards the floor where JESS B is. DAVID had not seen JESS B in months, and she was leaving for Cambridge in a week.

JESS: I’ve gotta go now…I’ll see you [when I get back to Sydney] in Christmas, OK?
(teary eyed) OK…

DAVID notices RANA glaring at him. DAVID and JESS B embrace and JESS B  leaves the store. RANA (obviously annoyed) storms past DAVID into the back room to change the track. CUSTOMERS wait to be served in the store. RANA disappears for a few minutes leaving DAVID and PAT T to do all the work.


RANA takes control of the music on Sunday. Unfortunately, she has extremely poor taste in music. But this would be OK except that she also has an extremely narrow taste in music. Add to that; the repetitive chords and unchanging tempo of R&B and we seemingly have the same song playing over and over. PAT T and DAVID are both very scared to even touch the CD player. But there’s this funky guy named ZEE/ZING/ZANDRO who also works at the same store who likes some funk amongst many other things.

The following scene occurred countless times last Sunday. It was déjà vu – like a broken record, even.

Boring music playing in background…one CD ends and one of ZING’S compilations starts. “Play that funky music” comes on. PAT T and DAVID’s demeanor change. There is a noticeable lift in their spirits.

(begins to quietly sing along to himself) Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till...

RANA gets out of her way to change the music.


A CUSTOMER is looking at some clothes on the rack.
RANA : Were you looking for a size?
CUSTOMER: (No, i'm looking for a "non-size." Of course I'm bloody looking for a size.) Yeah, size 10.
N.B If anyone at work reads this, I will probably be fired. But I guess I'm only be delaying the inevitable anyway.
N.B One-half of one-third of the writers on this website is Italian, so we can use the term “wog” without any intended prejudice.
Epilogue: Pat T just got fired. I am now being fired because of what Rana, the bitch tells our [assistant] manager about me. But I have been informed that I may be getting an apology from "Rana".
Epilogue 2: Rana has not apologised, but there is mystery as to why she has not been placed on the roster in two weeks time...It turns out that she may be quitting. When asked why, she said, "That's none of your business girlfriend." (That's right, she thought I was a girl.) Apparently, she might be helping her brother out with his business, and she's bit over working in this store (yeah right).