December 11, 2005: Yeah, about that update. Heh. No excusses, it just didn't happen. Luckily, I've fallen back *IN* to the fandom. It just took a couple years to get back at it. Naturally, having fallen back in love with our boys, I'll be moving in a couple months down south (and forget this cold redneck-ian hell). But until then, I'll see what I can do. Maybe get some more stories up. Give it a good try, anyway. All I've updated today is the Misc. page. I do love those little quizes. And I reread my stories that have been works in progress for years now. Have a little niggle of a plot bunny in the back of my mind for 'Burn', so I'll keep my fingers crossed and hope that someone eventually looks into this page and considers sending in thier fics.

December 8, 2003: Only 2 months between updates. Just a short one to let everyone know that I've FINALLY moved, and will be able to truly update again soon. If you have any stories for me, be sure to email me at erasea@lycos.com.

October 9, 2003: Wow, first update in nearly a year. I'd duck my head in shame, but what can I say, I've been running around like a drunken lab monkey. So what's new? Added two cliques that I just joined. Also added a half dozen or so links. More to come, but I worked the night shift last night, and it's noon. Time for sleep. I'm slowly going to be branching out beyond Rent. I've fallen unfortunately out of the fandom. I'm hoping it's not for good, because I love our boys. We'll see what other fandoms fall into our happy little home. Remember all that this is primarily a slash site. Though if you chose to send along het-fic, that'll go up too. I'm not too picky. Buyer beware, most of the stories are adult-fic.

October 23, 2002: Added two long-ish fics. "Guilt" by Joy. The sequal should be up before too long. Also my own "Isn't It Ironic (Don't You Think?)", a work in progress. Not only that, but added a challanges page, if you can find it. Sneaky I hid it just slightly because it needs some revamping still. But it's there. Have a look about.

October 17, 2002: Posted the beginning of chapter 7 of "Burn". If you'd like to submit a story, please send it in .txt format. For some reason, my computer refused to read .doc files. It's a pain, I agree. And look out for me, I'm going to be coming about at FF.Net, Fandomination.Com, and rentfic101 asking to post your stories.

October 9, 2002: Updated and finished the next chapter of "Can't Stand To Burn." Also updated it at Fanfiction.Net, though it isn't nearly as long, or even worth reading. Beyond a chuckle, if you like that sort of thing. ::smile::

October 6, 2002: Just added Shin Cohen's lovely story, "One Magic Night". The review page is up and running. You can reach it from the index page for the fanfiction. The link is under every fic. It shouldn't be hard to find, there are only two fics at the moment. Though I am waiting for another from Joy. A mystery, I haven't read it yet myself. Can't wait.

September 29, 2002: There has been an extreme pause in any updates for this page. Today, I'm hoping to get a wonderful story from Shin Cohen, which should be up sometime tonight or tomorrow. There is also a review page in the works after all, and should be up for whatever stories do come in, as they come in. I've added the next two chapters in my Burn fic, and also updated the Odds and Ends page. Again, nothing earth shattering, but it's coming along. In dribs and drabs.

December 2, 2001: I've finally gotten the first two chapters of my own story up. Along with some graphics. Tonight I'll be working on the links page, and I'll add the URL for this site to my profile at FanFiction.Net. I'm tossing around the idea of a reviews page. The decision for that will be made when and if writers send in stories. Here's hoping.

November 13, 2001: Site not open to the public, as of yet. Which is well, considering that I have no stories up. Right now, I'm trying to get just the regular pages in a rough state of ready. I've got the Archives set to receive stories, the Odds and Ends page is up, as is the Disclaimer paragraph and the Picture page. Nothing earth shattering, but that can wait. Small steps.

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