SmallBASIC 0.8.2b |
Unit Conversion |
Math |
Other |
Automotive Math |
The downloaded file has a ".txt" extension. 'Rename' the file to remove the ".txt" and turn it into a ".pdb" for the Palm. |
Input the Known Number - [Enter] - Input the ID# of the From units, To units. |
Computes Diameter,Radius, Circumference, Arc & Chord given one of these. Input Zero if value is unknown. |
Input is in fraction form, output is in fraction & decimal form. Input requested numbers then choose operator. |
Computes Impact Force (vertical & horizontal),Weight,Distance or Time given any three. 'Time' is to reach equilibrium. |
Computes Distance or Radius given the other for ASTM D522 Mandrel Bend Test of Coatings. |
Computes the length of the sides of a right triangle given two lengths. |
Flashes large letters and numbers for communicating over distances silently. |
Times down from a given time when pda is off/other applications. Alarm only sounds if On and ProgRunning |
Large, screen keyboard with scroll button editing. Date'End' appends the note to the UserFile with the date. |
Computes Horsepower, Torque & RPM given any two. Input ID# to solve for then Input known values. |
Computes Cubic Feet per Minute, Cubic Inch/Centimeter Displacement & RPM given any two. |
Computes Gear Ratio, MPH, RPM & Tire Diameter given any three. |
Computes the RPM after a shift From RPM / Gear Ratio - To Gear Ratio. |
Converts Letters to Numbers on a telephone pad. Can save output to the UserFile. |
Links |
Sine, Cosine and Tangent based calculations for right triangles. |
PDA Page |
Continues timing up from zero when pda is off/other applications until 'stopped'. Also has 'counting' function. |
Input - decimal, Output - Approximate fractions of an inch with accuracies. |
Updates: CIRCLE MATH 10-22-03 |
Updates: TimerDown: 10-6-03, TimerUp: 7-25-02, Typer: 8-22-02, Phoneletters: 3-1-02, Steps 8-22-02, Caliper 8-22-02 |
Updates: |
Displays the distance between a fixed line / edge of screen, and a user placed line on the screen in inches. Scroll buttons. |
Calculates equivalent total resistance of resistors wired in parallel. |
Updates: 'Angle' has a protractor function: 6-10-02, |
Converts letters to phonetic letters. |
Enter steps (directions, instructions, notes, etc.) then scroll button through them. For new steps, delete the userfile. |
Most of these are compatible with Palm 'script' functionality. |
Calculates Velocity, Cylinder Velocity, Acceleration, Distance and Time. |
Big time and date characters are lit and reverse lit for viewing in any lighting. |
Some programs use hardkeys for input. |
Calculates figures for paper rolls when given required data. |
AM-PM <-> Military, also has 'hours between times' calculator. |
Cut-size paper conversions. |
GPS_DISTANCE_bas.pdb |
Calculates distance between two points on a sphere given in degrees-minutes-seconds. |
Gives day and date in future/past and gives days between dates. MM/DD/YYYY. Units = Days. |
Clie / 320 x 320 Resolution 1-10-06 |
Visual Basic Code |
Take values and quantities from Sheet 2 then multiply and double them onto Sheet 1 |
Duplicate each cell in Column A up to row 500 |
Delete every other cell in Column A up to row 500 |
Halves and Highlights all numbers within the selection |
Doubles and highlights all numbers |
Find and Delete zeros (rows) in 'Shortage Report' |
Keep only items labeled 'R' and 'M' |
Find Part Number in Workbook |
Highlight Duplicates in Red |
Sort Worksheet by Column then by Row |