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The Ultimate Survey For: Sarah B.
Nicknames: SCA name: Sarra Romney of Mermaid Inn…Nicknames: Runt, Bess
Birthdate: 06/20/1981
Born in: Sparta, Wisconsin
Current home: Madison, Wisconsin
Height 5' 4"
Hair color: Brown
Croutons or Bacon Bits: Real bacon bits, otherwise neither
Favorite Salad Dressing: Ranch
Do you drink: Of course I drink—human beings require liquid to live. If you mean do I drink alcohol, the answer would be "not much"
Do you smoke: No.
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? Right
Shampoo or conditioner: Both.
How many times have you been pulled over by the police: Twice. Yes, it was my fault, but I only got a warning
Do you make fun of people: Sadly, yes. Mostly in my head or when I’m venting with friends. Rarely, in front of the person.
Top three movies of all time: This is tough cuz I LOVE movies….Amelie is definitely my favorite movie. I also love: Singing in the Rain; Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves; Harry Potter 1&2; and Sense and Sensibility. I’m also a big fan of Kevin Smith, Guy Ritchie, and Alfred Hitchcock movies.
Top three books of all time: I like "series" more than specific books. For Example, Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling; the Samaria series by Sharon Shinn. My favorite authors are Charles de Lint, Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen, Beth Gutcheson. I do however really like Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime: Nope
One pillow or two: Depends on the situation. I prefer two and sometimes three.
Pets: My Car. I don’t have a ton of patience or attention-span, so pets and I never seem to get along.
Favorite Type of Music: It depends on my mood. Bands/Artists that I like: Goo Goo Dolls; Garbage; Norah Jones; 3 Doors Down; Josh Groban; Evanescence (If I had any musical talent, I think this is the kind of band I would want to be in)
Hobbies: Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) takes up most of time—within the SCA, I really like cooking, embroidery and the arts/sciences in general. I also love shopping, beadwork, Middle Eastern Dance, watching movies, and reading.
Dream Car: a Jaguar. No specific kind, just a Jag. A Bentley would be kinda cool too, but I’ll never be able to afford either kind. I do love my current car, a Sunfire, but she kinda has a mind all her own.
Words or phrases you overuse: "New Millenium" "Bad JuJu" "Fabulous" "kinda" ...there are others but I love slang so much it changes.
Toothpaste: AquaFresh Extreme Clean…that stuff ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Food: Gummi Candies of all kinds. I also have a sick dependency on Junk Food that I need to get away from. Other things: Ranch Dressing, Buffalo Wings, Quesadillas, MUSHROOMS (I had my first portabella when I was in Toronto and the experience changed my life), strawberries, peaches, coconut, fresh pineapple
Favorite TV show: No favorite but I like these: Good Eats; Sex and the City; Law and Order; I Love the 80’s; and DARIA (I really, really, really miss that show)
Ultimate Travel Destination: Italy or England or Paris or….
Piercing or tattoos: Got my ears pierced when I was seven. Got a second set of holes on my 18th birthday. I had my cartilage pierced but it wouldn’t heal so I had to take out the stud *sigh*...I currently have one tattoo of a Celtic crescent moon just below my left shoulder blade. Would like more but haven’t got the money or nerve.
How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non-romantic): It depends on the day. I belive that love exists, and it's fun to image being swept away by it the way heroines are in novels. However, I think the word "love" is over-used so it becomes hard to define and then creates unrealistic expectations.
Do you get along with your parents: Yup. I can count on one hand the number of people in the world who truly understand what I'm about. My parents top the list.
Habit you'd like to break: I've pretty much broken my excessive swearing habit. I'm still haveing problems with breaking my habit of not exercising enough and procrastinating too much.
Favorite town in which to chill: I’ve never really "chilled" anywhere. My favorite place to visit is my friends’ house—the Bardic Barracks—but I don’t have a favorite city yet. There are things about LaCrosse that I really love, and as I adjust to Madison, I'm growing to love it a little more each day.
First thing you would do if you won the lottery: Buy a plane ticket
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Peanut Butter; Coconut Gelato; Cherry Nut; or Cookie Dough (If you haven’t noticed I can never make up my mind)
Favorite Restaurant: Buzzard Billy’s in LaCrosse
Favorite Drink: Orangina
What's your bedtime: Depends. I work odd hours (including some third shift) so it changes.
The best actor currently out there is: Russell Crowe, Adrian Brody, John Cusack, and Johnny Depp
The best actress: Angelina Jolie and Salema Hayek
If you had to choose a Spice Girl name, what would it be? Eccentric Spice
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Of Course!
What's on your mousepad? Rocketships
Favorite thing to do on weekends: SCA, watch movies, hang out with friends
What's under your bed? Rubbermaids for storing clothes.
First thing you do when you wake up in the morning: After I’ve hit the snooze button for an hour, I usually climb into a hot shower. I’m not responsible for anything I say or do between waking up and showering—I’m not very pleasant during this time
How many rings before you answer the phone? I usually have my cellphone turned off and my home line isn’t mine so I don’t answer it. I hate the sound of a ringing phone so I usually pick it up right away. After 4yrs as a telemarketer I don’t have much interest in talking on the phone anymore.
Do you get motion sickness? Not really. I have some problems with vertigo related to my fear of falling, though.
Adidas, Nike or Reebok: AIRWALKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Perfume/Cologne: I’m allergic to most perfumes. I do like Clinque’s "Happy" and "Pleasures" by Estee Lauder. Mostly I just were Coconut Lime Verbena lotion from Bath and Body Works
Favorite Song(s) at the moment: "Trees" by Marty Casey; "Careless Whispers" by Wham; "A Kiss to Build a Dream On" by Louis Armstrong; "Iris" by the Goo Goo Dolls; "Introduction to Belly Dance" by Deirdre Flint;
Favorite Website:
Favorite Subject in school: History, French, English, Astronomy
Least Favorite Subject: MATH!!!!!!!! GYM!!!!!!!!!
Favorite chick drink: Fuzzy Navel
What is your favorite number? (3) (4) and (6) in various combinations;
Favorite magazine: Bead and Button; and Cooks Illustrated
Favorite Sport to watch: Hockey, Tennis, and Figure Skating. I don’t watch sports very often but those are okay. Of course, according to George Carlin none of them are actually considered sports.
Most recent humiliating moment: I have entirely too many to name.
Favorite Play or Musical: Singing in the Rain; Chicago
Would you ever ask a guy for the shirt off his back? I don’t think so. The situation would have to be pretty desperate and it’s hard to predict how one would act in a desperate situation.
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? That’s kinda the problem. I can’t choose a career. If I could, I would probably feel more settled. I like the job I have now (working front desk in a hotel), and I liked doing training at my previous job. Mostly, I just want a little office somewhere where no one bothers me, it’s a healthy routine, and I don’t have to deal with too many people. I like work to be simple so my outside life can be fun.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? of my leopards, usually
Loudest person you know: Probably, me.
Craziest or silliest person you know: Mad Dawg (miss ‘ya, buddy)
Favorite Holiday(s): the holiday of TUESDAY (ask me sometime)
Favorite Time of Year: Autumn, followed closely by spring.
Favorite Board Game: Clue
Do you eat the stems of broccoli? Yucky. That would qualify as eating a vegetable.
Favorite Literary Character: Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
I collect: books, beads, scarves, bracelets, leopards (NOT LEOPARD PRINT), kitchen gadgets,books