These pictures were taken by Lylee, a good friend of the family. This was from the first shower on April 15th, 2000. What a wonderful time!!!

Picture of my on my grandmother's porch

That's me sitting down, and behind me (clockwise) My mom, my Uncle Louis (it was a co-ed shower!!), my wonderful sister-in-law Melissa, my brother (aka Kar), my Aunty Audrey, my mother's kooky friend Bob (aka Custer), and my darling Mike (isn't he adorable??)

This is me and my mother (and I'm not being biased when I say she's the best mom in the world!!) - I guess you could say this is a picture of 3 generations!!!!

Here's the same group in #2.

Here's me and Trish, a great friend of the family (and she TRIES to keep my mom out of mischief, but I know they are in cahoots to take over the world ;) ) And Melissa's mom is in the background. She's one of the sweetest ladies I know, I'm glad my brother married into that family!!

Here's me and my SIL Melissa. She's the greatest sister one could ask for. Now, if only I could have traded in my brother as a kid......

Picture of li'l ol' me :)

Picture of my Mom and Trish, and Francis in the background (she's known me since I was little - and I think she only remembers all the trouble I've been in heh)

Graphics on this page provided by Sam's place